The Pioneer Branch Library will be holding a Pinterest Party on Tuesday, April 4 at 6:00 pm. Come and create the latest trend…bath bombs! Bath bombs are hard-packed mixture of dry ingredients which bubbles when wet. They are used to add essential oils, scent, and color to bathwater. This program is limited to 12 attendants. Please pre-register at the library to attend.
The Library will also be holding After School Gaming from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Friday, April 7. Gaming is open to all school-age children and their families. There are several different gaming systems available for kids to use. Board games, chess or checkers, Legos, and KNex are also offered for children to play. Pizza will be served. Parents are asked to pick up their children several minutes prior to closing.
The Pioneer Branch Library is located at 106 Baubice Street. For more information, contact Rose King at 419-737-2833.