Chad Tinkel right president and CEO of Community Hospitals and Wellness Center talked with Archbold Rotarians at their September 22 meeting about how CHWC weathered COVID has dealt with increasing physical and verbal violence directed toward staff and the approaching affiliation with the Parkview Healthcare System The program was arranged by Barb Britenriker
Community Hospitals and Wellness Center is generally rebounding across the board from the challenges presented during COVID.
Chad Tinkel, president and CEO of CHWC, told Archbold Rotarians that revenue will top $100 million this year after several years of decline and slow growth during and coming out of COVID.
Additionally, more patients are being served in the hospital than during COVID when fewer patients were averaging more lengthy stays.
During COVID, rehab services at Montpelier Hospital were limited as non-emergency procedures were not being done.
That allowed hospital staff at Montpelier and to a lesser extent Archbold to be transferred to Bryan where COVID patients nearly doubled what had been their normal daily inpatient census of 15. And those patients length of stay was significantly greater than before.
Tinkel also addressed a growing problem in Ohio hospitals — an increase of physical and verbal assaults directed toward hospital staff, usually by patient family members rather than the patients.
At CHWC, such assaults are up 256 percent. He said that it seems a variety of issues, such as frustration with a loved one’s progress and a general distrust of medicine, contribute to the increase.
As a result, the hospital now offers more training for all staff on safety and security topics such as de-escalation of crisis situations as well as more security within the facilities.
Finally, he addressed CHWC’s affiliation with Parkview Healthcare System, saying the timing was right and that Parkview was a logical partner since the hospital had been working with the Parkview Physicians Group since 2010.
Parkview physicians were familiar with CHWC and Bryan was familiar with them. Further, Parkview was looking to expand into northwest Ohio to grow its market share and value.
He explained that Parkview Healthcare is currently in 11 Indiana counties and has roughly 60 percent of that market.
Northwest Ohio doubles the number of counties that they serve to 22; however, their market share is currently only 39 percent when those counties are added, so they have the opportunity to grow.
Tinkel said that that the affiliation will likely bring more services to the Archbold Hospital for the simple reason that it has available, unused medical space. There’s no need to build more space for services.