WELCOMING NEW MEMBERS The Three Arts Club installed new officers and inducted two new members Pictured from left Cathie Batt secretary Deb Nixon treasurer Joan Rohlf vice president Becky Bacon president and new members Vicki Schaffner and Tina Lopez
After a summer break, the Three Arts Club met on September 18 at the home of Emily Schlosser to start the new season.
The guest speaker for the night was BJ Horner with the DAWN Project and the Maumee Valley Guidance Center. She spoke of opioids, overdoses, and the use of the Narcan kit.
Opioids are pain relievers that mess with the brain and the body’s perception of pain. Fentanyl comes in a patch to help relieve pain. It is a legal drug and is found in combination with heroin, counterfeit pills, and cocaine. From 2019-20, the number of drug overdose deaths increased by 30%.
Narcan kits are used to help a person who is overdosing and can save their life. These kits were offered to each member.
The meeting was called to order. Seventeen members answered the roll call, “What do you like about fall?” Mel Mercer, the outgoing president, installed the new officers: Becky Bacon, president; Joan Rohlf, vice-president; Cathie Batt, secretary; and Deb Nixon, treasurer. Tina Lopez and Vicki Schaffner were then inducted into the Club as new members. The secretary and treasurer’s reports were approved as read.
Last May, the Club gave three scholarships of $500 each to: James Bell, attending Purdue University-Ft.Wayne majoring in education; Madisyn Routt, attending BGSU majoring in exercise science; and Colby Tyler, attending Northwest Community College majoring in engineering.
Joan Rohlf thanked the club members for the food provided while she was recovering from an illness. It was voted to give the speakers we have a donation in appreciation for the time given for their presentation.
The Club’s Reverse Purse Raffle will be held Saturday, April 6 at the Kissel Building. Several purses have already been purchased. The Sweetwater Chophouse will again cater the meal.
The October meeting will be held at the home of Laura Rohlf. The meeting was then adjourned, and delicious refreshments were served by co-hostesses Cathie Batt and Gayle Hilkert.