The Stryker Board of Education met in regular session on November 19th in the High School art room. While the meeting was light, the agenda was chock full of items to discuss, approve and inform.
Superintendant Johnson informed the board that the athletic complex is coming along nicely and it was approximately 80% complete. As of the meeting, mulch replacement and dirt removal was pending.
“It’s looking very nice down there,” states Johnson.
•Parent/Teacher conferences were held in November
•Christmas program will be held on December 3rd in the Auditorium
•Blood mobile will be held on December 7th
•Choir concert will be held on December 17th at 8 pm
Donations were received from:
•Springfield Township – fax machine
•Harley Burkholder – office supplies
•Eric Grisier Memorial – $1,000
•Dean Beamont – $500 to the high school play
•Evansport United Methodist Church – school supplies valued at $116.00

Treasurer Richelle Oberlin asked the board to approve several items such as:
•Recommend the board approve a salary continuation for the Bureau of Workman’s Compensation as presented
•Recommend to approve the Revised Purpose and Budget for the Choral Music as presented
•Recommend to approve the Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plan Adoption Agreement as presented
•Recommend to approve the contracted service with Align, Assess, Achieve, LLC as presented
•Recommend to pass the revised resolution accepting the amount and rates as determined by the budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor
•Recommend to approve the transfer of $22,887.50 from the PI Fund (permanent improvement) to the ½ mill Maintenance Fund

•Recommend to approve the reimbursement or purchase gas cards for students who use their personal vehicles at the discretion of the yearbook Advisor and school Principal
Per Superintendant Johnson’s recommendations, the board was asked to approve the following personnel contracts and resignations:
•Terry Wieland – Classified/Bus driver substitute (pending required background BCI/FBI check)
•Kathryn Jimenez – approve continuing contract starting the 2013-14 school year
•Scott Goodnight – accept his resignation as varsity track assistant
The Board will meet in regular session on December 17 at 6:30 pm in the art room.