Scott Grisier displayed and told the club about his hobbies, including fine wood working, making jewelry, and metal working.
Scott became interested in wood working as a child and started in a shop that was in the basement of his family home. He expanded his knowledge by turning wood on a lathe in his own home.
The projects Scott displayed included very intricate and detailed craftsmanship. Scott removed a necklace he was wearing that he had made by drawing silver to a wire, shaping the wire into links and lacing those links.
The necklace was made to display a cross that had been given to him by his father. Many of the projects he has done are for a specific application such as the wooden rack made to display flint lock collectable handguns. He also displayed several walking sticks.
He often chooses wood and other materials that have a special meaning or come from a special place. Scott spoke as a guest of his father and Stryker Rotarian, Fred Grisier.