STRYKER COUNCIL VISITOR … Stryker Area Heritage Council President, Terry Wieland, reported to Stryker Council at the April 18, 2022 meeting on some repairs needed at The Depot Museum. Seen around the table are council members Vicki Cameron, Dave Benner, Nick Wlasiuk, Dusty Potter and Sean Ingram. In the background on the left was Village Administrator Alan Riegsecker and, on the right, Stryker resident Jon Diller, who also spoke with council that night. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
Stryker council Judiciary Committee held a meeting at 5 p.m. prior to the regular meeting of council on April 18, 2022.
The minutes of the committee meeting will be shared at the May regular meeting. United Brethren Church pastor Nick Woodall opened the regular meeting in prayer and Navy Veteran Don Carroll led the Pledge of Allegiance.
After Roll Call, Mayor Joe Beck asked Carroll if he had something he wanted to share with council.
Carroll assured the council that the American Legion has no plans to leave Stryker and said that they are presently looking for a building to purchase.
“We are staying no matter what. I am 73 and I am the youngest of the officers and we plan on staying.”
The honor guard, the 47 members and the officers would appreciate it if you would let us know if you are aware of any building that might be available to us,” he stated.
Stryker resident Jon Diller addressed council concerning the possibility of a Dog Park in Stryker. He shared that he has a new husky puppy who needs to run and he wonders if there are other dog owners who might be interested to use a Dog Park.
Council woman Vicki Cameron said that she is working on that and hopes to have something to present to the council soon.
The last visitor to speak with Council was Stryker Area Heritage Council president Terry Wieland. Mr. Wieland gave a short update on a few needs for repair at The Depot, where the Stryker Museum is housed and said they are open to donations to purchase some paint.
He also said that SAHC hopes to get two more markers put up to commemorate that the other two Medal of Honor winners who came from Stryker.
Mayor Beck pointed out that having three from such a small town might be a record. Wieland spoke a little about the Stryker summer festival, letting council know that SAHC plans to do the parade again this year and possibly do an Old to New Jeep parade.
Council voted to approve the minutes for the March 21, 2022 meeting and the Finance report for April 15, 2022.
In communications, Village Administrator Alan Riegsecker reminded everyone that Big Trash Pick-up Day is scheduled for May 7th and that trash should not be put out more than a week ahead of that date. Stop by the office to get a list of what cannot be taken that day.

Council received an email from Sauder Manufacturing in Stryker stating that they would like to be more involved in Stryker events.
The email asked for a calendar of events and any information that would help them as they step in that direction.
Military Banners will be put up sometime in May, prior to Memorial Day and will stay up past Veteran’s Day. Anyone interested in getting one for themselves or a family member can get info at the Village office.
In his monthly report to council, Stryker Police Chief Steve Schlosser announced that the department has promoted Officer Chelsey Skiver from part time into the third full-time position.
She has been part time since July 2019, and also had one year of experience as a full-time officer with West Unity.
Since the last council meeting, there were a total of 48 reports, with eight traffic warnings, no citations and two adult arrests.

Chief mentioned that during the month, the Sheriff’s department has assisted in filling some hours covering the village when he did not have enough people for coverage.
He said there was an arrest made over the weekend and he will be getting details on that.
Riegsecker said there is an OPWC small government meeting scheduled for May 12 and after that they will know more about the Johnson Ave. waterline replacement funding.
Hydrant Flushing will be held on May 16-19 so it is recommended not to do laundry, and to just run your faucets run a little if you see the iron in the water. It may look red but is not harmful.
Fiscal Officer Beth Rediger said that on April 27 she will be at the WEDCO retreat/work session for Board members on Regional Development, from 8-1 that day.
Rediger said that Emily Clemens handled Tax Day really well and took care of everyone who came through the office. She went in early and stayed a little late to get it all done and did a great job.

Council member Cameron reported that she had checked on the possibility of a Tower Wrap and found they only last 2-5 years. She did not get any quotes yet but will share those at a later date. She also mentioned that the Park Board is looking at doing some changes at the park.
She asked Village Solicitor Kevin Whitlock if he got a letter sent to the company that needs to take care of the hanging pole near Dollar General. Whitlock said that he did not, but will get that done.
She asked if anyone in the village with broken down vehicles would please get them taken care of to make the village look nicer. They need to be running and licensed in order to remain in a yard. Chief Schlosser said they are working on getting that taken care of.
Council member Dusty Potter asked about how someone can speak with council and Mayor Beck said they can call ahead and have Beth Rediger put them on the agenda, or they can just show up.
“We will listen. Obviously, it has to be respectful, but they can just come.” He also asked about the summer festival, wanting to know what the situation is with that.
The Welfare Committee is planning it, and so they scheduled a meeting for 5 p.m., right before the next meeting on May 16, 2022.

Rediger was asked to invite the lady who planned the “Day in the Park” to attend that meeting.
With no further business council went into Executive Session to discuss possible litigation. With no action taken, the meeting adjourned.
Rebecca can be reached at