RETIREMENT Pictured left to right are Wes White and his wife Sherri White After working with the village for 25 years as a maintenance worker Wes is retiring
By: Daniel Cooley
The Stryker Village Council meeting, held on August 21, began with a prayer from Tim Martin of the First Baptist Church in Stryker.
That was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Army Veteran Chuck McColl. All six council members, Vicki Cameron, Dusty Potter, Rachel Garcia, Sean Ingram, Dave Benner, and Nick Wlasiuk, were in attendance.
In the visitors’ section, Lydia Nofziger, area Youth for Christ leader, spoke. She stated that Youth for Christ is a nonprofit organization with a goal of reaching kids with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The organization is not affiliated with a church. The main idea is to build relationships with the kids.
Nofziger stated that Youth for Christ has been given permission to have various activities in Stryker Schools.
Club 56 will be held on Tuesdays after school in the school building, at 4:15, for kids in fifth and sixth grades.
In addition, there will be mentoring once a week during lunch, talking about good character items. There will also be meetings with kids in seventh and eighth grade once a week and a meeting with high school aged kids, once a week.
Nofziger stated that the biggest needs with the local Youth for Christ group are funds and volunteers.
When it comes to working with kids, the organization would like to have a five to one ratio of five kids to one adult.
Youth for Christ will be having a golf fundraiser at Ironwood Golf Club on September 8, with an 8 a.m. start time. The cost is $300 per group.
For information on Youth for Christ, contact Lydia Nofziger, at 419-439-6679, or online, lnofziger@defyfc.org.

Rick Wityk with the American Legion asked about what could be done regarding a property dispute with a neighbor.
Wityk said that since the American Legion moved to this spot 15 months ago, the police have been called to the property five times.
Mayor Joey Beck stated that the property dispute is a civil matter, and the village cannot get involved in civil matters.
Wityk said that he will meet with the local American Legion leaders and talk about what options they have, in order to come up with a solution.
Tom Wheeler asked if there is a solution to the 106 east Church Street property, which has no tenants, and he considers it an eyesore.
Mayor Beck said that the village has taken the first step in the process, by getting a list of properties in the village that currently have no running water, which includes that property. Then they will discuss what needs to be done next.

Wheeler also asked about the parking that is taken up in front of Sole’s Motor Sports. Beck addressed that, by saying the village is doing research, putting together a judiciary committee to discuss village ordinances, including parking, in front of buildings.
Council then held a ceremony for village maintenance worker Wes White, who is retiring later this month, after being with the village for 25 years. White was presented with a card and a certificate.
Next, Village Clerk Beth Rediger gave the financial report from July 17-August 18. Revenue was $148,000 and expenditures were $120,000.
A judiciary committee meeting was held at 5:30 p.m., just before the regular council meeting, at 6 p.m.
The minutes from that meeting will be made available at the next council meeting, on September 18.
Council then approved the meeting minutes from the previous judiciary meeting, held on July 21. In the audit report from 2021 and 2022 regarding public records, Rediger stated that everything went well.

Next, a finance committee meeting has been scheduled for September 12, at 5 p.m. Council then approved the second reading of Resolution 7-2023-06, allowing the village administrator to enter into a Refuse and Recycling Contract.
That was followed by council approving Ordinance 2023-02, for a revised permanent annual appropriation ordinance.
Next, Village Administrator Alan Riegsecker stated that with White retiring, an ad has been placed for a wastewater number one employee.
Riegsecker also said that the water line on Johnson Street is going on as planned and the chip seal on Mulberry Street will happen in the fall.
Rediger reported that a block grant for $418,000 for the water tower went out and she said she will know by September 1 whether the grant is accepted or not. The water in the village is currently in good shape, running at 20% capacity.
Fall Fest is scheduled for October 28 and in the meantime, a welfare meeting to discuss the events is planned for August 29, at 5 p.m.
Mayor Beck thought that the recent Stryker Homecoming event was a huge success, with a very good turnout.
With no other further business to discuss, council voted to adjourn the meeting.
Dan can be reached at publisher@thevillagereporter.com