By: Jacob Kessler
Supply chain issues have been plaguing store shelves for quite some time now. From toilet paper and water shortages to gasoline and more.
Now, those shortages are seeping their way into supply chains that support school lunch programs.
Combine that with more children eating lunch and breakfast than before due to programs designed to keep children fed during COVID, and it started to become an issue.
This is an issue that has started to affect all schools across Ohio and the country in general. Delta School’s Superintendent Ted Haselman stated that the school has had to change the menus on more than one occasion due to the shortages.
The school has also had to change vendors and on one occasion, go to Kroger to buy certain items that the school had run out of. “The problem is food shelf life. You can’t order too far out and once the deadline hits you can’t serve it,” said Mr. Haselman.
Fayette Superintendent Angela Belcher and Wauseon Superintendent Troy Armstrong explained that their school’s have also been having issues with products not being available. Changes to the menu have had to be made and Fayette has been looking into other suppliers to supplement the products they are unable to receive.
In fact, every school that was contacted has stated that there have been issues with the supply chain and getting products in. According to many, school menu changes may be the normal for right now but, food will continue to be provided to students.
“We have enough food to serve students breakfast and lunch and will make sure that we continue to be able to in the future,” said Mr. Haselman.
Jacob can be reached at