FACKLER Fire Chief Denny Fackler right enjoys the departments annual Christmas party that also featured a special retirement celebration for him this year
By: Renea Kessler
On Sunday, December 3rd, the Pioneer Fire Department held their annual Christmas Party at the Pioneer American Legion.
Unannounced to Chief Denny Fackler however was the wish by his fellow department members to wish him a happy retirement.
Kept completely secret from him, members Tiler Williams and Rodger Swank came up with the idea to make up a cabinet for the chief in order to showcase his time spent at the department.
The party went on as planned, with a twist at the end when the secret was finally revealed.
Chief Fackler has been a member of the Pioneer Fire Department for forty-two years now, with twenty-five of those years being spent as chief.

Chief Fackler explained that his career since the beginning has been good with a great group of people to work with.
“It has been good. There has always been an excellent bunch of guys to work with. We try new things, and we are always supportive of the public who support us back. I’ve had a good run at this. It has been a lot of fun. No regrets.”
“The village council and mayor have supported us well over the years, and they are going to continue to support us. We have a good group that is going to take over and I have full confidence of them.”
While Chief Fackler is planning on retiring as chief, he does still plan on staying with the fire department.
“I’m not going anywhere. I am going to stay on as the secretary-treasurer for a while and just bug the heck out of the guys. It’s just time for new leadership, time for the youngsters.”
“We have a lot more youngsters coming onboard, and I am glad to see that because it means the fire department is going to be here for quite a few years yet.”
Fackler will continue as chief until the conclusion of this year.