SPECIAL DELIVERY FROM LEFT Swanton Fire Chief Cuyler Kepling and Swanton Fire and Rescue Division staff Grace Oakes Ashley Leach Colin Fessenden Sean Smith and Kimberly Nofziger pose for a photo with certificates they received from Mayor Neil Toeppe on behalf of the Village of Swanton and the Swanton Village Council The group received the commendations after helping deliver a baby girl during a call on February 18 Also recognized but not present to accept his certificate was Bryan Pouter They will also each receive a stork pin
By: Jesse Davis
During its meeting last week, the Swanton Village Council recognized Swanton Fire and Rescue Division personnel who delivered a baby during a call.
Bryan Pouter, Ashley Leach, Colin Fessenden, Grace Oakes, Kim Nofziger, and Sean Smith responded to an emergency obstetrics call on February 18, during which they assisted a mother with the delivery of her baby girl.
“This doesn’t happen all the time, but when the firefighters deliver a baby, they are customarily awarded a stork pin to indicate that they have done that.”
“So, the stork pins are on order and you’ll all be getting [them] in short order. Thank you very much,” Mayor Neil Toeppe told the responders. Each was given a certificate from the council in recognition of their service.
Fiscal Officer Holden Benfield reported that the December reconciliation has been posted and reporting for fiscal year 2024 is officially closed.
He also reported correcting a few hundred dollars in payroll errors and that he is working with the department heads on the permanent budget for 2024.
Police Chief John Trejo said he has met with the contractor that provides the department’s tasers and body cameras to get a quote on updated equipment with a goal of replacing their current gear in 2025.
The police department received 13 applications for the open dispatcher/secretary position. Trejo reported they have been narrowed down to five candidates who seem to have good experience. Interviews will now be scheduled.
The council approved the resignation of Swanton Police Department Patrol Officer Tyler Ware, who has accepted a full-time position with the Whitehouse Police Department.
The Division of Public Service Operations has been working on an inventory of lead lines in the village.
The council repealed a resolution assessing a lien on a Cass Street property after discovering it was a duplicate of a lien already on the books.
The council approved the hiring of James Lechman as a full-time firefighter/paramedic. The council approved the sale of surplus village property.
The next meeting of the Swanton Village Council will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday, March 11.