The November 23, 2020 Swanton Village Council meeting was held live, with social distancing and masks, at the Valleywood Golf Club. The Public Service and Public Safety Committees met prior to the meeting. Present for the Regular Council meeting were Kathy Kreuz, David Pilliod, Michael Rochelle, Craig Rose, Tony Stuart and Dianne Westhoven along with village administration.
Council voted to approve:
- Minutes of November 9, 2020
- Third reading of Ordinance appointing Village Solicitor and Establishing Compensation ???
- Second reading of Ordinance authorizing the Village Administrator to renew the agreement for a countywide Emergency Management Agency
- Second reading of Ordianance authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into an agreement with Fulton County Commissioners to provide for Indigent Legal Services in Fulton County Eastern District Court
- Emergency Ordinance providing for temporary appropriations to provide for the current expenses and other expenditures during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2021
- 2021 Meeting and Holiday Calendar
Reports were given to council by Mayor Neil Toeppe, Village Administrator Rosanna Hoelzle, as well as a personnel report.
“Council member Kathy Kreuz made a motion to hold the final 2020 Village council meeting via Zoom. The motion passed unanimously and when council meets to organize after the first of the year, they will address this issue for 2021,” according to a Facebook post.
On Tuesday, November 24, 2020, Mayor Toeppe posted on his Swanton Mayor Facebook page that “Cooperation and Collaboration are on the way.” He shared that after the November 23, 2020 Village Council meeting, he and Council President Craig Rose “had a very lengthy, cordial, and productive conversation. As we move forward, I believe that Mr. Rose, Village Council and I will be able to find ways to work together in significant areas.”