The Williams County Grand Jury convened on August 17 and returned indictments against twenty-two individuals. Those indicted include:
Stephen D. Adkins, 30, of Bryan was indicted for Aggravated Possession of Drugs, a fifth-degree felony. Adkins is charged with possessing or using methamphetamine on or about June 25.
Sarah R. Doeden, 38, of Williams County was indicted for Aggravated Possession of Drugs, a fifth-degree felony. Doeden is charged with possessing or using methamphetamine on or about June 15.
Tyler W. Fleming, 39, of Bryan was indicted on a total of five counts including two counts of Aggravated Trafficking in Drugs, each a third-degree felony; two counts of Aggravated Possession of Drugs, each a third-degree felony; and one count of Illegal Conveyance of a Drug of Abuse onto the Grounds of a Detention Facility, a third-degree felony.
Fleming is charged possessing or using, preparing for sale or distribution, and the carrying of methamphetamine onto the property of The Correction Center of Northwest Ohio on or about July 27.
Christopher P. Gant, 41, of Montpelier was indicted for Aggravated Possession of Drugs, a third-degree feflony. Gant is charged with possessing or using methamphetamine on or about July 8.
Aaron F. Garrett, 37, of Montpelier was indicted on a total of three counts including one count of Complicity to Aggravated Trafficking in Drugs, a second-degree felony, and two counts of Aggravated Possession of Drugs, one second and one fifth-degree felony.
Garrett is charged with aiding and abetting another in committing Aggravating Trafficking of Drugs and prepare for sale or distribution methamphetamine on or about August 17. Garrett is also charged with using or possessing methamphetamine and Psilocybin at the time of the offense.
Harlie, J. Geren, 27, of Holiday City was indicted on a total of eight counts including two counts of breaking and entering, each a fifth-degree felony; one count of theft, a fifth-degree felony; one count of Aggravated Possession of Drugs, a fifth-degree felony; three counts of Receiving Stolen Property, two fifth-degree felonies and one first-degree misdemeanor; and one count of Engaging in a Pattern of Corrupt Activity, a second-degree felony.
Geren is charged with breaking in to two Montpelier properties on or about March 16 as well as stealing miscellaneous tools, stainless steel cooler lids, and a utility trailer.
She is additionally charged with receiving a Honda motor with attached pump, a Predator engine, a Holzfforma chainsaw, a wood stove, motorcycle parts, a flat top stove, and wood shelves having knowledge that they were received through the commission of a theft offense as well as with possessing or using methamphetamine on or about May 20.
Ronald R. Harris, 44, of West Unity was indicted for Receiving Stolen Property, a fifth-degree felony. Harris is charged with receiving a stolen Mini Austrian Sheppard dog valued at $1200.
Toni L. Harris, 32, of West Unity was indicted for Receiving Stolen Property, a fifth-degree felony. Harris is charged with receiving a stolen Mini Austrian Sheppard dog valued at $1200.
Matthew A. Johns, 34, of Montpelier was indicted on four counts including one count of vandalism, a fifth-degree felony; one count of Breaking and Entering, a fifth-degree felony; one count of Aggravated Possession of Drugs, a fifth-degree felony; and one count of Failure to Appear, a fourth-degree felony.
Authorities allege that, on or about June 3, Johns caused damage to property belonging to the Rainbow Motel in Holiday City. Authorities additionally allege that, on or about August 3, Johns broke into a Montpelier property and used or possessed Fentanyl.

Johns is additionally charged with failing to appear as required by the court in connection with a previous felony charge.
Jessica A. Lenz, 22, of Williams County was indicted for Assault, a fourth-degree felony. Lenz is charged with causing or attempting to cause physical harm to Sheriff Tom Kochert while he was in performance of his duties on or about August 16.
Annette S. Maddox, 43, of Bryan was indicted on one count of Aggravated Trafficking in Drugs and one count of Aggravated Possession of Drugs, each a third-degree felony. Maddox is charged with possessing or using, as well as preparing for sale or distribution, methamphetamine on or about June 27.
Ryan W. Nelson, 40, of Stryker was indicted on two counts of Felonious Assault, each a first-degree felony. Nelson is charged with causing or attempting to cause physical harm to two Sheriff’s Office Deputies on or about August 14. It is alleged that Nelson brandished an AK-47 rifle during the incident.
Matthew J. Nofzinger, 37, of Bryan was indicted for Assault, a fourth-degree felony. Nofizinger is charged with caused or attempting to cause harm to a Bryan City Police Officer while the officer was performing his official duties on or about July 6.
Sydni A. Peel, 21, of Bryan was indicted for Failure to Appear, a fourth-degree felony. Peel is charged with appearing as required by the court on or about August 9 in connection with a previous felony charge.

Casie L. Phillips, 45, of Bryan was indicted on a total of eight counts including six counts of Theft of Drugs, each a fourth-degree felony, and two counts of Deception to Obtain Dangerous Drugs, one fourth-degree and one fifth-degree felony.
Phillips is charged with stealing Oxycodone, Norco, Hydrocodone, and Tramadol from Evergreen Healthcare patients between the date spans of September 1, 2021 and October 6, 2021. She is additionally charged with using deception to obtain prescription for or dispensing of Oxycodone, Norco, Hydrocodone, and Tramadol.
Kurt D. Peterson, 34, of Edgerton was indicted on a total of four counts including on count of Operating A Vehicle Under the Influence or Drug of Abuse, a first-degree misdemeanor; one count of Driving Under Suspension, a first-degree misdemeanor; one count of Aggravated Possession of Drugs, a fifth-degree felony; and one count of Obstructing Official Business; a second-degree misdemeanor.
The charges stem from an incident occurring on or about February 26, when authorities allege that Peterson was operating a vehicle while having a suspended driver’s license and while under the influence of alcohol or a drug of abuse.
Authorities additionally allege that Peterson used or possessed methamphetamine at the time as well as tried to obstruct or delay officials’ performance of their duties during the investigation.
James A. Powers, 34 of Holiday City was indicted on a total of seventeen counts. Those counts include seven counts of Breaking and Entering, each a fourth-degree felony; two counts of petty theft, each a first-degree misdemeanor; three counts of theft, each a fifth-degree felony; three counts of Theft from a Person in a Protected Class, one fourth-degree and two fifth-degree felonies; one count of Burglary, a third-degree felony; and one count of Engaging in a Pattern of Corrupt Activity, a second-degree felony.

Powers is accused of breaking into properties located in Montpelier, Holiday City, and Pioneer as well as burglarizing an occupied property in West Unity on or about March 16 as well as breaking into properties located in Pioneer and Bryan on or about May 18.
Authorities allege that during these break-ins and the burglary, Powers stole an extension ladder, power cord, miscellaneous tools, stainless steel cooler lids, a utility trailer, a Honda motor with attached seed pump, a Predator engine, a Holzfforma chainsaw, eight ATV tires, a wood stove, motorcycle parts, a flat stop stove and wood shelves, a Saw Jaw saw, a Snow Joe snow blower, a Black and Decker stapler, a Stihl grass trimmer, a tin washtub, and $1113.00. Three of the alleged victims were elderly.
Stacy C. Sentle, 30, of Bryan was indicted for Aggravated Possession of Drugs, a fifth-degree felony. Sentle is charged with possessing or using methamphetamine on or about June 15.
Troy D. Smith, 25, of Montpelier was indicted for Receiving Stolen Property, a fourth-degree felony. Smith is charged with receiving a 1997 Ford Ranger pickup truck on or about July 11 despite having reason to believe it was obtained through the commission of a theft offense.
Nicholas C. Still, 41, of CCNO in Stryker was indicted for Tampering with Evidence, a third-degree felony. Authorities allege that on or about July 27, Still altering or destroying evidence with knowledge of an official proceeding or investigation taking place.
Jerry E. Teats III, 27, of Pioneer was indicted for Aggravated Possession of Drugs, a fifth-degree felony. Teats is charged with possessing or using methamphetamine on or about July 2.

William R. Yates, 52, of Bryan was indicted for Aggravated Possession of Drugs, a fifth-degree felony. Yates is charged with possessing or using methamphetamine on or about June 15.
It should be noted that an indictment is merely an accusation and that all criminal defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty in a court of law.