Two Fulton County men were sentenced recently in the Fulton County Common Pleas Court according to county prosecutor Scott A. Haselman.
- Craig Canfield, 47, of Fayette, previously pleaded guilty to Breaking & Entering and Grand Theft of a Motor Vehicle. He broke into a garage and stole a John Deere Gator.
Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Mr. Canfield to 11 months in prison for Breaking & Entering, and 13 months in prison for Theft of a Motor Vehicle, said sentences to be served consecutively with one another for a total prison term of 24 months.
- Devin Jones, 38, of Delta, previously pleaded guilty to Disseminating Matter Harmful to Juveniles. He possessed or viewed material or a performance that showed a minor child in the state of nudity.
Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Mr. Jones to 4 years of community control and ordered him to pay prosecution costs, serve 30 days in CCNO, abide by an 11:00 pm. to 5:00 a.m. curfew, have no unsupervised contact with any minor, shall not own, possess or use a computer, camera, or cell phone with a camera without the permission and knowledge of his probation officer, successfully complete the Sex Offender Treatment Program with the Center for Child & Family Advocacy, and any recommended aftercare, have no relationship with anyone who has minor children without permission of his probation officer, not possess any sexually explicit materials, and not to use any social media platform without permission of his probation officer.
Failure to comply could result in Mr. Jones spending 11 months in prison.