METAMORA VOLUNTEERS … Katie Pfaffenberger is seen here as she explained the gardens that she and Trevor Shindorf (seated next to her) would like to do for the village. Council members, from left to right are Karon Lane, Karen Noward and Cindi Pawlaczyk, listened intently and thanked them for their efforts for the community. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
Metamora Village Council and administration have been thrilled this Spring by two young people who walked into the office and said they would love to volunteer their time to fix up the garden areas and ball fields for the community.
During the April 19, 2021 Council meeting, Katie Pfaffenberger and Trevor Shindorf, gave a report to council on how their efforts are proceeding.
Ms. Pfaffenberger “formally” introduced herself as someone who was born and raised in Metamora and is an active member of the Amboy Metamora Fire Department. She is excited about getting involved in the community.
She shared ideas of what they are hoping to do with the gardens and they reported on what has already been accomplished. They talked mulch, fences, flowers and other beautification items.
Mr. Shindorf shared a wish list/to do list with council of things that need to be done and thanked them for funding their efforts by purchasing the needed mulch and flowers, etc. Katie said that many people have stopped by to ask them how they can volunteer to help them in this great endeavor.
In regular business, Council voted to approve the April 5 and 7, 2021 minutes as corrected, the reading of the bills and reports given by Personnel and Finance Committee and Land and Buildings Committee. Items included in the Personnel and Finance Report, given by Council President Karon Lane, were:
-an ordinance hiring Heather Lumbrezer for the position of Fiscal Officer at $16 an hour from 8-4 with a half hour paid lunch for four days a week, which council approved
-Request to offer the position of Deputy Clerk to Brenna Lietzke for two days a week at $14 an hour
-Some discussion about a letter regarding House Bill 157, which seems to say the village might have to refund some specific taxes to those who paid them
-A mention of the possibility of using the new covid money that is coming to offset those lost taxes
In Land and Buildings Report, given by council member John Pupos, council was informed of the following:
-Suggestion to purchase a $100 baby blue spruce to replace the old Holiday Tree
-A 6 foot yard tuff drag with leveling bar was ordered and picked up from Tractor Supply for $350
-Ball diamond improvements are great
-The hope to purchase, soon, a small zero turn mower with the $2700 in the Park Fund
Fiscal officer Sue Clendenin reported that the village has possibly $113,000 of additional covid relief funds coming that have until December 31, 2024 to use.
The official guidelines have not yet been released by the US Treasury office. A group has requested the use of the Volleyball courts for a coed adult team. Discussion was held and it was agreed to find out a little more before determining their answer.
Mayor Richard Sauerlender read the Sheriff’s report which stated that the Sheriff’s Department spent 37 ½ hours in the village over the past month with one complaint and one accident.
With no further business, council adjourned.
Rebecca can be reached at