By: Jerie de Roth
The Wauseon City Council meeting was held Monday, April 5th. In attendance were Mayor Huner, Council President Chamberlin, and Councilors Scott Stiriz, Patrick Griggs, Steve Schneider, Jeff Stiriz and Harold Stickley.
Keith Torbet, Public Service Director, announced that the ADA Sidewalk project will be finished by the end of this week with cleanup possibly continuing Monday. Mayor Huner remarked, “You don’t realize how many corners you have until you see all the orange barrels…It looks nice.”
An emergency declaration was approved to authorize the Mayor to enter into a residential electricity pricing agreement as costs fluctuate daily.
Mr. McWatters, Law Director, provided the status of the Hojnacki property saying he had filed a Motion for a Default Judgement. Once approved, an appraisal will be ordered and a sale date set.
Unanimous votes moved resolutions into further readings. They included: joining with the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce in strongly urging the U.S. Postal Service to consider returning mail processing operations to its sorting facility in Toledo; $15,000.00 for the Snack Shack Expansion; amending Districts and Maps, and the Official Zoning Map; and an update for the Solid Waste Management Plan for the joint Plan for the districts of Defiance, Fulton, Paulding and Williams counties.
Mayor Huner also announced that the Fourth of July fireworks were scheduled for Friday, July 2nd.
The Council then entered Executive Session to discuss personnel matters involve the hiring of public employees or officials.
Jerie can be reached at