Along with approving the minutes, bills, financial reports, and investments, the Wauseon Board of Education approved several personnel and financial measures during their regular meeting on November 16. Included amongst these were:
•One year limited classified contracts to Rachel Drenning and Katelynn Mount as Assistants to the Treasurer/Payroll.
•The reassignment of Bonnie Lange from Assistant to the Treasure/Accounts Payable to Assistant to the Treasurer/Human Resources.
•Hugo Barajas and Zane Krall as Volunteer JH Wrestling Coaches for the 2015-16 school year.
•Michelle Cantu as a Classified Substitute for the 2015-16 school year.
•A one year limited certified supplemental contract for Sheila Vernot as a jH Track coach pending receipt of a Pupil Activity Permit.
•A one year limited classified contract to Molly Pfund as a WMS 2 hour cook.
•Ryan Scherer as a Student Pool Worker.
•Numerous individuals as OHSAA Football Playoff game tournament workers, retroactive to November 7, 2015.
•Donations – $1000 from Wauseon Midget Football for coaches’ rain gear, $100 from Ladies Auxiliary of Wauseon Post #724 Veterans of Foreign Wars for the Cheerleaders Quatermania, $50 from Family Services of NW Ohio to WHS Student Council for the 2015 Yellow Ribbon Campaign, $2086.70 from Parents Supporting Students for headphones and ribbons, $2000 from Wauseon Music Boosters for the 2016 Chorale Trip to NYC.
•Modifications and supplemental modifications to both the FY16 Permanent Appropriations and the FY16 Certificate of Resources.
•“Then and Now” certificates for Dollar General (Health Room Supplies), Simplex Grinnell (Access Software Agreement), and Fine Lines Engraving (FCS Banner).

•The establishment of a change fund for FFA Donkey Basketball in the amount of $50.
Additionally, the Board adopted the updated Section 125 Flexible Spending Plan Agreement with American Fidelity to reflect January 1, 2016 insurance premium changes, inclusion of the High Deductible Health Plan and HSA.
A resolution determining to submit to the electors of the school district the question of renewing all of an existing tax levy pursuant to sections 5705.194-50705.197 of the revised code was also passed.
Additionally, the Board authorized the Superintendent to enter into a copier service agreement with Perry Corporation.
Along with reports from the building principals, the Board also heard a presentation given by Mr. Jim Figy, Director of Building and Grounds, regarding Summer 2015 maintenance projects.
The Board entered into Executive Session for the discussion of the employment of personnel. No further action was taken.

The Next meeting of the Wauseon Board of Education will be held on Monday, December 14 at 5:30 PM in the Board of Education Office.