PROPOSED LOCATION CHANGE The Wauseon Homecoming Committee presented council with plans to move the annual summer event to Biddle Park
By: Amy Wendt
On November 20, the Wauseon Village Council met for a regular meeting with all six council members present. Council approved prior meeting minutes from November 6, 2023, and November 16, 2023.
Jodi Posey, along with a group from the Homecoming Committee came before council to discuss a possible plan to move the location of the Wauseon Homecoming to Biddle Park in 2024.
Posey observed a widespread sentiment within the committee and the community at large that Wauseon’s Homecoming tradition has grown stagnant.
The committee has discussed the possibility of relocation extensively and noted that the benefits of holding Homecoming at Biddle Park are numerous.
“That park is beautiful and it’s huge and it has so much potential – We would like to see it (Homecoming) get bigger,” Posey noted.
According to Posey, potential benefits of relocating Wauseon’s Homecoming to Biddle Park include utilizing and showcasing the park’s aesthetic appeal without the need for street closures, avoiding business interruptions, and eliminating concerns related to train schedules.
The centralized location offers closer proximity of all activities to one another, and the park’s size provides ample room for expansion.
Additionally, the move could offer more space for ride companies to expand their offerings. Collaborating with the Recreation Department could allow for hosting tournaments concurrently, attracting visitors from neighboring communities.
It was noted that the committee would consider keeping the traditional Homecoming Parade and Chicken Dinner downtown as in previous years.
Every Council member was provided with a diagram illustrating the proposed event layout, sparking discussions between the council and the representatives of the Homecoming Committee.
Committee reports before council included the Tree Commission report of November 7, 2023, and the Utility Committee report of November 8, 2023.
The Utility Committee recommended that the water deposit for non-owner occupied premises be increased from $100 to $125 which was accepted by council.
Also before council was the Park Board report from November 14, 2023, which included a recommendation from the committee suggesting changes be made to the Shelter House rental application forms. Council accepted the proposed changes.
Council then heard Wauseon Fire Department Report from Chief Phil Kessler who noted October was a busy month with call volumes increasing. The department installed the first of three hearing-impaired smoke detector devices in the community.
Kevin Chittenden, Police Chief reported to council that the Wauseon PD’s calls have also increased. He also noted that nearly 200 applications were received for Christmas For Kids.
Director of Public Service Keith Torbet shared that leaf pickup is in full swing with four crews out working on it.
He noted that there have been a lot of complaints about the debris coming off of the leaf truck but indicated that unfortunately due to the design of the equipment, dust escaping from the truck is unavoidable. Torbet also noted that he will be applying for a state grant to help fund the Burr Road waterline project.
Jamie Giguere, Director of Finance shared with council that open enrollment for city employee health insurance will begin next week.
Wrapping up the Department Head Reports, Law Director Thomas McWatters provided council with a summary of the legislation before them for the evening. He also noted that legislation in reaction to Issue 2 in terms of recreational marijuana use is in the works.
Legislation addressed by council included:
Resolution 2023-14: A resolution adjusting the Compensation Plan’s Wage Scale based on the Consumer Price Index was placed on emergency and final reading.
Resolution 2023-15: a resolution expressing a Municipal Statement of Services relative to territory requested to be annexed into the City of Wauseon was also placed on emergency and final reading.
A second reading of legislation was held for Ordinance 2023-5: an ordinance amending Section 933.06(b) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Wauseon.
A third reading was held for Ordinance 2023-4: an ordinance amending Section 377 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Wauseon.
In New Business, council approved the 2024 following schedule of council meetings: January 2, 2024; January 15, 2024; February 5, 2024; February 19, 2024; March 4, 2024; March 18, 2024; April 1, 2024; April 15, 2024; May 6, 2024; May 20, 2024; June 3, 2024; June 17, 2024; July 1, 2024; July 15, 2024; August 5, 2024; August 19, 2024; September 16, 2024; November 4, 2024; November 18, 2024; December 2, 2024; December 16, 2024.
Council also passed a motion to approve employee Christmas gifts for 2023. The transfer of the liquor license held by Los Mariachis to Habaneros was heard with no action needed by council. Before adjoining, council also approved to pay the bills as presented.
The next Wauseon City Council meetings will be held on Monday, December 4, 2023, and Monday, December 18, 2023.