MAYOR Law Director Thomas McWatters III administers the oath of office to Incumbent Mayor Kathy Huner
By: Jacob Kessler
The Wauseon City Council held their first meeting of the year on Tuesday, January 2nd. The meeting began at 5:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence. Law Director Thomas McWatters III then administered the oath of office to Mayor Kathy Huner.
Following her taking of the oath, Mayor Huner proceeded to administer the oath of office to councilor Shane Chamberlin, councilor Brandon Tijerina, and councilor Jeremy Simon.
It was then time for council to elect their council president. A motion was made for Harold Stickley to be appointed to the position, with that motion being voted on by council and approved. Councilman Chamberlin then exited the meeting at 5:07 p.m.
The meeting proceeded next with the approval of minutes, with the following being approved. Minutes for the Special Council meeting held on December 18th, Council Meeting held on December 18th, Committee of the Whole meeting on December 28th, and Special Council Meeting held on December 28th.
Department head reports were then heard, with Fire Chief Phil Kessler stating the department finished the year at a steady pace, and that they are focusing on what they can do in the new year.
Police Chief Kevin Chittenden spoke next and stated the department’s new Durango was received by Terry Henricks, and that a second one may be coming within the next week or two.
Public Service Director Keith Torbet then brought item 2024-1 to councils’ attention. They were informed by Mr. Torbet that it is listed as an emergency. Bids will have to go out for this item, and it has to be approved by April 1st in order to proceed.
The following agenda items were then approved by council. Resolution 2024-1 authorizing the mayor to enter into an LPA Federal Local-Let Project Agreement for the milling and resurfacing of approximately .40 miles of Oak Street and declaring an emergency.
Resolution 2024-2 authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with HR Premier Consulting, LLC for Human Resource Services, and declaring an emergency.
The third reading of Ordinance 2023-7 amending Section 1114 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Wauseon to add a new section 1114.12 titled “Adult Use Cannabis Operators”.
Item 2023-7 passed in a vote of 4-1 with Councilman Stickley being the no vote. Council then moved to pay the bills before moving to adjourn at 5:28 p.m.