TEA TIME … Guests for the Wauseon History Manor’s HisorTEA event sit down to enjoy the tea, food and friendly atmosphere. (PHOTO BY JACOB KESSLER, STAFF)
By: Jacob Kessler
The Wauseon History Manor held their annual Christmas HistorTEA event on Saturday, November 27th. The Manor, located at 229 Monroe Street in Wauseon, is owned by the Fulton County Historical Society.
It contains 16 rooms with history spanning back all the way to 1868 when the building served as Wauseon’s first High School.
The HistorTEA event has been taking place at the manor for at least the past ten years and has grown since its beginning.
The museum was set up differently at that point in time, so the tea took place out on the large front porch. With two such events throughout the year, the admission list quickly increased, leading to a third day being added.
The purpose of having the tea is for the public to have a sense of how the manor is doing explained Fulton County Museum’s Operation Manager Scott Lonsdale.
“We want people to come and learn about the building and have a good time. Our teas have a great following. Everyone comes and enjoys themselves and there is always merriment and comradery. This is what gets me in the Christmas Spirit every year,” said Mr. Lonsdale.
The teatime has created a sort of tradition for the museum. A tradition that keeps bringing people back more than once.
“The quality of teas and different food keeps bringing people back to take part. We have a following of different groups that keep coming back. Sometimes in the Spring, some ladies will come out in formal tea attire which makes it more fun. It adds to an already great event,” said Beverly Ernst.
The event had three, one hour, time slots during the day from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. and was able to accommodate numerous guests.
The event will take place next year and reservations are needed. Information for upcoming events can be found at the museum’s website by going to www.museumoffultoncounty.org and clicking on events. From there, upcoming events that are scheduled can be found.
Jacob can be reached at jacob@thevillagereporter.com