FIVE-YEAR FORECAST REPORT…Treasurer Dave Fleming pointed out in the November Five Year Forecast, that since the passage of the Continuing Levy, the school will be less in the red than it would have been. Seen here going around the table from left to right are Fleming, Board President Sandra Griggs, and Superintendent Troy Armstrong. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
Wauseon Schools Superintendent Troy Armstrong expressed the gratitude of the board and the administration to all who helped to pass the Levy that is keeping the school alive. The Board voted to approve a Motion to recognize and thank the Wauseon Community for their support in the passage of the 2020 3.87 Mill Continuing Levy.
In his Financial Report, Treasurer Dave Fleming shared that even though the school is still in the red in the Five-Year Forecast, they are less in the red than they would have been if the levy had not passed.
The board voted to approve the minutes for the previous meeting, the bills and financial reports as presented, the amended November Five Year Forecast, a Then and Now Certificate and the following donations, with gratitude: $350 from Worthington Industries to WEVS Transportation Department for the purchase of coats, $500 value school supplies from Walmart to WEVS Primary School and $500 from Fulton County Pork Producers to WEVS FFA.
One huge change for the school this year was shared by Fleming in his report. This is the first time that the school has done their own Five-Year Forecast, with all of the administrators and all in the treasurer’s office doing the work that is normally done by a computer. He answered President Sandra Griggs questions, saying that yes, it has given a greater understanding to all of them and they believe that from now on, they will be able to do, thus saving the school around $6000 each year.
He explained that the combination of training and education amongst all of them, gave them all they needed to do it and to do it well. Primary School Principal Blake Young said that doing the process really helped him understand the finances. “Now that we have a template in place, in our own words, it is simple and straightforward,” he said. The Board thanked them.
Council also approved all of the Superintendent’s Personnel items:
- Rachel Wixey and Associates Substitute list as presented
- One-year limited certified supplemental contract to Chris Zirkle as the Archery advisor for 20-21
- Following individuals as Volunteer Coaches for 20-21 school year: Alan Albright for JH Wrestling, Todd Bingham and Kevin Kreiner for Archery, and Eric Puehler for HS Wrestling
- Following individuals as OHSAA Tournament Workers, retroactive to October 17, 22 and 24, 2020:Tammy Ankney, Jill Armstrong, Troy Armstrong, Shelly Borton, Mark Britsch, Chad Burt, Mike Colon, Casey Elson, Tracy Elson, Joy Hutchinson, Matt Hutchinson, Keith Leatherman, Ryan O’Dell, Ashley Oyer, Bob Schultz, and Santana Villarreal
Mr. Young shared a presentation with the board about PAX Good Behavior Game, a program which they have been using in the Primary School since the 2016/17 School year, which helps children learn how to stay on task. It does much more than that, actually, training teachers and students alike methods that will assist in “self-regulation in the classroom and outside of school using proven strategies throughout the day, without losing time from the curriculum.”
Young said that the first and second grade teachers are already seeing a change in the students who were introduced to this in Kindergarten.
The program utilizes a number of ways to help children gain self control, without triggering things that may have come from trauma in their past. It helps classroom time be more orderly as children and teacher are all working for the same goals. Young used one of the tools, a Tootle, or a recognition of good behavior, by presenting each board member with a paper certificate thanking them for all they are doing to make the world better.
The next School Board meeting will be held on Monday, December 14, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board of Education Building.
Rebecca can be reached at publisher