MAY 21
•407 E. Lutz Rd., Larceny
•406 S. Defiance St., Unlock Vehicle
•1100 S. Defiance St., Accident (Property Damage)
•801 W. Barre Rd., Unlock Vehicle
•515 Ditto St., Traffic Detail
•405 E. Lutz Rd., Assist Police Unit
MAY 22
•709 E. Lutz Rd., Assist Police Unit
•901 Stryker St., Parking Violations
•1200 Stryker St., Parking Violations
•405 E. Lutz Rd., Community Service
•223 N. Defiance St., Unlock Vehicle
•Clydes Way @ W. Barre Rd., Accident (Property Damage)
•S. Clydes Way @ W. Barre Rd., Accident (Property Damage)
•2001 S. Defiance St. Unit 166, Suspicious Vehicle
MAY 23
•2001 S. Defiance St. Unit 166, Domestic Trouble
•500-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense/Citation
•500 Stryker St., Miscellaneous Complaints
•103 Ruihley Ave., Miscellaneous Complaints
•1500-B S. Defiance St., Traffic Offense/Warning
•606 S. Pleasant St., Miscellaneous Complaints
•701-2 E. Lutz Rd. Unit 000, Unlock Vehicle
MAY 24
•103 N. Defiance St., Suspicious Person
•415 Vine St., Loud Noise
•500-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense/Citation
•22611 SR 2, 911 Hang Up (2)
•1950 S. Defiance St., Miscellaneous Complaints
•205 Linda Ct., Miscellaneous Complaints
•1109 Lindau St., Miscellaneous Complaints
•600 Park St. Unit 33, Miscellaneous Complaints
•1107 S. Defiance St., 911 Hang Up
MAY 25
•137 Garden Dr., Larceny
•400-B W. Lutz Rd., Welfare Check
•132 Garden Dr., Larceny
•1950 S. Defiance St., Miscellaneous Complaints
•607 S. Defiance St., Threats or Harassment
•Union St. @ West St., Juvenile
MAY 26
•206 LaChoy Dr., Drunk
•701 E. Lutz Rd. Unit 807, Larceny
•104 West St., Parking Violations
•High St. @ Murbach St., Utilities Problem
•S. Defiance St. @ Union St., Road Blocked
•305 W. Mechanic St., Juvenile
MAY 27
•700-B N. Defiance St., Community Service
•121 West Field Dr., 911 Hang Up
•311 West St., Utilities Problem
•600 Lafayette St., Suspicious Vehicle
•2000-B S. Defiance St., Found Property
•111 Weires Dr., Unlock Vehicle
•617 N. Defiance St., Community Service
•600 Park St. Unit 22, Community Service
MAY 28
•Church St. @ Defiance St., Suspicious Vehicle
•705 E. Lutz Rd. Unit 000, Parking Violations
•2001 S. Defiance St. Unit 17, Civil Problem (2)
•812 Stryker St., Found Property
•500 Haven Dr. Unit 236, 911 Hang Up
•103 E. Beech St., Loud Noise
MAY 29
•N. Defiance St. @ Norfolk Southern RR, Road Blocked
MAY 22
•200 S Main St block. Traffic stop. Warning issued; turn signal.
•Mattie Marsh Shelter house. Suspicious person. Complainant stated a person was laying down in front of the bathroom doors at Mattie Marsh park.
•Bryan Police Department. Assist other department. Person at station for court ordered fingerprints; report taken.
•Phil’s One Stop Marathon. 911 hang-up.
•200 N Lewis St. Parking violation. Officer observed a parking violation.
•311 N Allen St. Vandalism. Complainant stated that a vandalism occurred in her backyard.
•First Federal Bank. Non-injury accident. Report taken.
•400 N Main St block. Parking violation. Complainant requested an officer; unable to locate vehicle.
•Union St / Fountain Grove Dr. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•1000 S Union St block. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•215 W Bryan St. Assist civilian. Complainant requested an officer.
•Cashland. Assist civilian. Complainant requested to speak with officer.
•Plaza Motel. Trespass. Report of trespassing; arrest made.
•327 N Walnut St. Lockout.
•High St/Union St. Non-injury accident.
•Circle K. Suspicious person. Report of suspicious male.
MAY 23
•Bryan Police Department. Assist civilian. Complainant requested to speak with officer; gave advice.
•1109 E Wilson St. Disturb Peace. Noise complaint; unable to locate.
•Wal-Mart. Assist civilian. Request officer assistance.
•Fabricare Car Wash. Suspicious auto.
•Main St / US Route 127. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•200 N Main St. Traffic stop. Citation issued; driving under suspension non-compliance. Warning issued; speed.
•15585 US Rt 127. Assist other department. Requested officer assistance; unable to locate.
•Ohio Gas Company. Dog complaint. Report of two dogs on the property.
•CVS. 911 hang-up.
•528 S Beech St. Juvenile complaint. Complainant requested to speak to an officer; report taken.
•600 E Perry St block. Suspicious person. Report of suspicious person.
•Wal-Mart. Dog complaints. Report of dog in a car; unable to locate vehicle.
•504 E High St. Assist civilian. Offer requested to keep the peace.
•Main St / Foster St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•Bryan Ford. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•1025 Colonial Ln. Lockout.
•Main St / Foster St. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•715 E Bryan St. Assist civilian. Complainant request officer.
•Fountain City Ice House / Mulberry St. Robbery. Complainant request officer; arrest made.
•409 E Trevitt St. Assist civilian. Complainant request an officer; person transported to CCNO.
•1102 Colonial Ln. Disturb peace. Noise complaint; advised person of complaint.
•Burger Dairy. Harassment. Report of being threatened; gave complainant advice.
MAY 24
•Suspicious person. 412 E Butler St. Report someone knocking on her door.
•400 S Beech St block. Assist civilian. Report of person screaming.
•Bryan Community Apartments. Suspicious person. Report of suspicious person; unable to locate.
•Mulberry St / Williams St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; blocking alleyway.
•Union Trailer Court. Disturb peace. Report of loud music; music was quieted down.
•Bryan Mobile Home Court. Lockout.
•215 W Bryan St. Assist civilian. Request officer.
•608 S Lynn St. Assist civilian. Report of yelling coming from residence.
•716 S Main St. Dog complaint. Report of loose dog.
•300 W Bryan St block. Traffic stop. Citation issued; driving under suspension. Warning issued; stop sign violation.
•125 N Emmett St. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer; advice given.
•Titan Tire. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•Wal-Mart. Assist civilian. Request officer.
•Walnut St / Edgerton St. Assist civilian. Report the storage unit was broken into; report taken.
•537 S Cherry St. Lockout.
•Bryan Mobile Home Court. Assist civilian. Request officer assistance; advice given.
•716 W Bryan St. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer; advice given.
•221 N Cherry St. Harassment. Report of receiving unwanted text messages; advice given.
•716 W Bryan St. Suspicious person.
•Main St / High St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; disobey traffic control device.
•615 S Cherry St. 911 hang-up.
MAY 25
•716 W Bryan St. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer; advice given.
•Arby’s. Traffic stop. Warning issued; sound amplification.
•E Wilson St / Railroad tracks. Traffic stop. Warning issued; sound amplification.
•Beech St / Wilson St. Curfew violation. Juvenile complaint. Unable to locate juveniles.
•538 W High St. Suspicious person Unable to locate.
•408 N Union St. Harassment.
•Roseland Park shelter. Disturb peace. Report of person working on a vehicle in the parking lot. Repair service attempting to get the vehicle going. Advised of the complaint.
•215 W Bryan St. Assist civilian. Request to check on resident; complainant requests extra patrol.
•Bryan St / Main St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; expired registration.
•Sunoco. Fire crew. Report of heavy black smoke in the area near the gas station. Shared property owner burning wood.
•Lily’s Pad. Disturb peace. Report of persons yelling and attempting to cause a fight. Advise both persons to not speak to each other while they are working.
•533 S Beech St. Juvenile complaint. Report of juveniles from across the street is sitting on her front porch continuously ringing her doorbell. Juveniles back home with parents.
•Phil’s One Stop Marathon. Traffic stop. Citation issued; driving under suspension.
•Mulberry St / Cherry St. Hazardous condition. Debris in the roadway.
•Meadowcreek Apartments. Assist civilian. Officer being flagged down.
•South St / Union St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•423 Townline Rd. 911 hang-up.
•Roseland Park. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•Walgreens. Traffic stop. Citation issued; driving under suspension. Warning issued; display of registration.
•Chief Supermarket. Property found.
•South St / Union St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•419 Fairview Dr. Assist civilian. Requests keep the peace; gave complainant advice.
•Wal-Mart. Shoplifting. Report of shoplifting; report taken.
•300 E South St block. Assist civilian. Unable to locate person.
•140 Avenue A. Suspicious person. Person arrested on warrant and charged with marijuana possession.
MAY 26
•424 S Allen St. Assist civilian. Report something or someone has been in his garage; gave advice.
•Allen St / South St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; marked lanes.
•Fountain Park Assisted Living. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•Roseland Park. Assist civilian. Disturb peace. Report of person yelling obscenities and throwing things; unable to locate.
•Meadowbrook / South St. Assist civilian. Report of subject standing in the middle of road; appears to be asleep.
•200 S Main St alley. Assist civilian. Report of male and female arguing in the alley.
•332 Center St. Assist civilian. Request officer. Gave all persons advice; Bryan Long was warned for disorderly conduct.
•700 E Perry St block. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•Beech St / Perry St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•1000 S Lynn St block. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•525 N Allen St. 911 hang-up.
•884 E Trevitt St. Assist civilian. Request officer.
•318 S Allen St. Dog complaints. Report loose dog; unable to locate.
•120 Palmer Ln. Assist civilian. Request officer.
•120 W High St. Robbery. Report taken.
•Main St / High St. Traffic stop. Citation issued; stop sign.
•Mattie Marsh shelter. Assist civilian. Report of AED going off in park.
•Casebere Motor Sales. Assist other department.
•Williams County Communications request officer assistance.
•420 N Myers St. Assist other department. Request to make contact with person.
•Union Trailer Court. Disturb peace. Noise complaint.
MAY 27
•600 W High St block. Hazardous condition. Picking up debris.
•Bryan Police Department. Assist other department. Person at station for court ordered fingerprints; report taken.
•15108 Count Road C-60. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer.
•409 Center St. Assist other department. Hillsdale County request an officer attempt a paper service; report taken.
•304 Oxford Dr. Assist civilian. Request for well being check.
•102 E Trevitt St. Asisst civilian. Report of land lord having removed the door to the apartment for no reason.
•Parkview Physicians Group. Assist civilian. Security guard request officer.
•Main St / Hamilton St. Non-injury accident. Citation issued for Megan Steele; Assured clear distance ahead.
•317 John St. Assist civilian. Request officer.
MAY 28
•303 N Walnut St. Assist other department. Request to make contact with person.
•716 W Bryan St. Harassment. Unable to locate any persons.
•Eagles Lodge. Suspicious auto.
•300 N Walnut St. Assist civilian. Keep the peace.
•403 N Walnut St. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer.
•Bryan Community Apartment. Assist civilian. Request a well-being check.
•224 E South St. Assist civilian. Report getting a strange voicemail from a customer; gave advice.
•Parkview Physicians Group. Mischief. Report taken.
•County Road 15-75 / State Route 34. Injury accident. Report taken.
•306 Charles St. Lockout.
•Wal-Mart. Harassment. Report taken.
•204 W Mulberry St. Assist civilian. Request officer.
•1125 E Wilson St. Dog complaint. Complaint of dog barking.
MAY 29
•Center St/Noble Dr. Hazardous condition. Removed debris from roadway.
•Arby’s. Traffic stop. Warning issued; unsecure load, failure to yield.
•1200 S Main St block. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•Wal-Mart. Lockout.
•Maumee Valley Guidance Center. Suspicious auto.
•Get-n-Go Mart. Non-injury accident. Report taken.
•McDonald’s. Non-injury accident. Report taken.
•1228 S Main St. Assist civilian. Attempted burglary.
•632 E South St. Assist civilian. Complainant stated trucks coming out of Yan Feng are pulling into her yard causing damage. No damage to the yard; gave advice.
•414 E Perry St. Family trouble.
•S&H Automation. Assist civilian.
•300 W Bryan St block. Traffic stop. Citation issued; muffler violation.
•Wal-Mart. Lockout.
•Wal-Mart. Parking violation. Report of dark grey Chevy Malibu parking in the chevron between the handicapped spots with no placard or plates. Complainant was advised to disregard, vehicle has left and possibly had a placard that just wasn’t displayed.
•300 Gary Dr. Messages. Ohio State Patrol requested a unit to attempt contact with person in reference to brake lights not working.
•300 W Bryan St. Assist civilian. Request to speak to person in reference to custody issues; gave advice.
•Open Door
•Disabled Vehicle
•Civil Complaint
•Well Being Check
MAY 11
•Warrant Service
MAY 12
•Domestic Violence
•Information Report
•Well Being Check
•Run Away Juvenile
MAY 14
•Assist Medic
MAY 15
•Traffic Stop
•Dog Running @Large
MAY 16
•Ordinance Violation (3)
•Suspicious Person
MAY 17
•911 Hang Up
MAY 19
•Well Being Check
•Information Report
MAY 20
•Ordinance Violation (2)
•Child Neglect / Endangerment
MAY 21
•Traffic Stop
•Well Being Check
MAY 22
•Gas Leak
•Civil Complaint
•Assist Other Police Unit
•Warrant Service
MAY 23
•911 Hang Up
•Traffic Stop
MAY 24
•Traffic Complaint
•Dog Running @ Large
•Traffic Stop
•Assist Medic
MAY 25
•Dog Running @ Large
•Traffic Stop (2)
MAY 26
•911 Hang Up
•Citizen Assist
MAY 27
•Ordinance Violation
MAY 20
•250 E. Linfoot St., Man w / Gun
•305 Sycamore St., Domestic Violence
May 21
•1285 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 1, Larceny
•1051 N. Shoop Ave., Accident (Property Damage)
•725 S. Shoop Ave., Hit-Skip
•485 E. Airport Hwy., Accident (Property Damage)
•403 W. Chestnut Ct., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•600 Wood St., Disorderly Conduct
MAY 22
•465 E. Airport Hwy., Juveniles
•N. Glenwood Ave. @ Airport Hwy., Disabled Vehicle
•534 Vine St., Drunk
•E. Linfoot St. @ N. Shoop Ave., Disabled Vehicle
•313 Barbara Dr., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•North Park, Fight
•230 Clinton St., Civil Matter
•319 W. Leggett St., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•722 Fairway Dr. Unit 310, Larceny
•840 W. Elm St. Unit 1100, Loud Noise
MAY 23
•510 W. Elm St., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•221 Vine St., Loud Noise
•400-B N. Shoop Ave., Suspicious Activity
•222 Marshall St., Loud Noise
MAY 24
•00 E. Oak St., Lost/Found/Recovered
•1495 N. Shoop Ave., Alarm Drop
•100-B W. Chestnut St., Debris/Item in Roadway
•840 W. Elm St. Unit 504, Welfare Check
•325 W. Leggett St., Loud Noise
•1285 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 93, Suspicious Activity
•1285 N. Shoop Ave., Animal Call
•1170 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 42, 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•869 Burr Rd., Fire
MAY 25
•238 Madison St., Civil Matter
•510 W. Leggett St., Animal Call
•810 N. Shoop Ave., Accident (Property Damage)
•229 Cherry St., Vandalism
•224 N. Fulton St., Civil Matter
•208 Madison St., Domestic Violence
•485 E. Airport Hwy., Larceny
MAY 26
•425 Cole St. Unit 407, 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•485 E. Airport Hwy., Animal Call
MAY 27
•619 E. Chestnut St., Domestic Violence
•400-B Indian Rd., Open Door
•1120 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 40, Animal Call
MAY 18
•Disorderly Conduct
•Ordinance Violation
MAY 19
•Animal Problem
MAY 20
•Animal Problem
MAY 21
MAY 22
•Unsecured Premises (2)
•Animal Problem
•911 Hang Up
•Ordinance Violation
•Left of Center/Warning
MAY 23
•Medical Emergency
MAY 24
•911 Hang Up (2)
The following individuals were sentenced in Fulton County Common Pleas Court according to county prosecutor Scott A. Haselman.
•Andy Smart, 19, of 10587 Co. Rd. 4, Swanton. previously pleaded guilty to Domestic Violence. He caused or attempted to cause physical harm to a family member who was pregnant.
Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Mr. Smart to 2 years of community control and ordered him to pay prosecution costs, and court appoint counsel fees, have no contact with the victim, stay out of bars/taverns, not possess or consume alcohol, abide by an 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. curfew, complete the Batterer’s Treatment Program with The Center of Child & Family Advocacy, and complete all aftercare recommendations, and serve 41 clays in CCNO, with credit for days already served.
Failure to comply could result in Mr. Smart spending 11 months in prison.
•Kayla Hahn, 22, of 33 Sunnydale Lane, Napoleon, previously pleaded guilty to Aggravated Trafficking in Drugs and Permitting Drug Abuse. She did knowingly sell or offer to sell Methamphetamine, and the amount of the drug involved equals or exceeded five times the bulk amount but was less than five times the bulk amount. She also allowed her vehicle to be used during the commission of a felony drug abuse offense.
Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Ms. Hahn to a mandatory 3 years in prison for Trafficking in Drugs, and a definite prison term of 10 months for Permitting Drug Abuse. Said sentences to be served concurrently with one another, for a total prison term of 3 years. The Judge further ordered forfeiture of Defendant’s vehicle to the State.
•Creek, Dustin M (Bryan, OH) Disorderly conduct. Fine: $250. Costs: $114. Jail time: 30 days with 30 days suspended. No future violations within next 3 years, no violent or threatening contact with victim, counseling at Shalom, follow any and all recommendations of Shalom Counseling.
•Layman, Holly M (Montpelier, OH) Assault. Fine: $300. Costs: $334. Jail time: 90 days with 90 days suspended. No future violations within next 3 years, no violent or threatening contact with victim, Thinking for a Change program.
•Miller, John H (Bryan, OH) Theft. Fine: $250. Costs: $174. Jail time: 30 days with 30 days suspended. No future violations within next 5 years, no contact with Walmart, restitution $115.83 to Walmart, fines and costs to be taken from bond.
•Miller, Maggi L (Bryan, OH) Theft. Fine: $250. Costs: $199. Jail time: 30 days with 25 days suspended. no future violations within next 5 years, restitution $115.83 to Walmart, not to return to Walmart for 5 years.
•York, Austin D (Bryan, OH) Drug paraphernalia. Fine: $150. Costs: $79. Possession. Fine: $150. Costs: $40.
•Balderas, Natalie D (Alvordton, OH) Speed. Fine: $40. Costs: $85.
•Brown, Matthew K (Montpelier, OH) FRA suspension. Fine: $200. Costs: $79.
•Burris, Roger D (Bryan, OH) Improper start/backing. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Clair, Wendy S (Montpelier, OH) Speed. Fine: $40. Costs: $85.
•Dickman, Michael N (Pioneer, OH) Speed. Fine: $60. Costs: $85.
•Fisher, Brice J (West Unity, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Gaines, Sheila (Bryan, OH) No drivers license. Fine: $100. Costs: $86.
•Garza, John A Jr (Bryan, OH) Stop sign. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Gresko, Jesssica N (Montpelier, OH) Driving under suspension. Fine: $150. Costs: $85. Speed. Fine: $45. Costs: $40.
•Joice, Lucas A (Montpelier, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Klempner, Amanda M (Edon, OH) Violation of restriction. Fine: $200. Costs: $90. Jail time: 60 days with 60 days suspended. Shall have no future violations within the next 2 years.
•Mcintosh, Tyler L (Montpelier, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Oskey, Craig R (Bryan, OH) Illegal plates. Fine: $250. Costs: $163.50. Expired operator’s license. Fine: $150. Costs: $78.75.
•Posey, Alexis J (Bryan, OH) Speed. Fine: $50. Costs: $79.
•Smead, Scott E (Pettisville, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Sparks, Zacary J (Blakeslee, OH) Marked lanes. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Tijerina, Alicia D (Archbold, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Weaver, Michael D (Archbold, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $71. Costs: $79. Seat belt. Fine: $30. Costs: $40.
•Wilcox, Charles M (Napoleon, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Bechstein, Jacob (Delta, OH) Speed. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
•Burgermeister, Jessica R (Lyons, OH) Brake equipment. Fine: $100. Costs: $93.
•Clark, Lisa (Swanton, OH) Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
•Conrad, Dawn M (Wauseon, OH) Failure to yield. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
•Fenton, Koelton (Wauseon, OH) Speed. Fine: $77. Costs: $85.
•Litchfield, David L (Wauseon, OH) Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $102. Costs: $93.
•Martinez Cruz, Manuel (Wauseon, OH) No valid operator’s license. Fine: $150. Costs: $93.
•Mattin, Dawn R (Swanton, OH) Headlights on. Fine: $37. Costs: $85.
•Medira, Isaac (Wauseon, OH) Failure to yield. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
•Miller, Macie A (Swanton, OH) Failure to yield. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
•Peart, Sharon R (Delta, OH) Improper backing. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
•Pelland, Andrea (Delta, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
•Reckner, Kayla S (Wauseon, OH) Speed. Fine: $77. Costs: $85.
•Rodriguez, Sabrina M (Delta, OH) Expired license. Fine: $150. Costs: $85.
•Sanford, Kendra J (Lyons, OH) Reasonable control. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
•Simon, Luks A (Metamora, OH) Plate light. Fine: $37. Costs: $85.
•Volz, Kelly E (Delta, OH) Stop sign. Fine: $37. Costs: $85.
•Williamson, Taylor S (Delta, OH) FRA suspension. Fine: $150. Costs: $85.
•Zamora, Michael A (Wauseon, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
•Alexander, Dylan G (Delta, OH) Disorderly conduct. Fine: $100. Costs: $46. Disorderly conduct. Fine: $100. Costs: $75. Shall write letter of apology to officer, fines and costs out of bond.
•Corley, Daniel (Swanton, OH) Disorderly conduct. Fine/costs: $100.
•Schieber, Timothy (Swanton, OH) Disorderly conduct. Fine/costs: $150. Disorderly conduct. Fine/costs: $150.
•Fulton Co Health Center vs Dutcher, Amy (Lyons, OH) Judgement amount: $4,223.57.
•Fulton Co Health Center vs Ladd, Yolanda & Korey (Delta, OH) Judgement amount: $1,402.07
•Fulton Co Health Center vs McCroskey, Timothy A (Delta, OH) Judgment amount: $471.57
•Northwest Veterinary Hospital vs Oberneder, Gregory M (Delta, OH) Judgment amount: $695.87.
•The State Bank and Trust vs Villalovos, Heather M (Delta, OH) Judgement amount: $601.09.