FILLED STORES AND STREETS The streets were filled with people participating in West Unitys Cookie Walk held on Saturday morning and the local businesses were filled with patrons looking to bring home some of the winter wonderland found at West Unity VIEW 21 PHOTOS OF THIS EVENT FOR FREE AT WWWTHEVILLAGEREPORTERCOM

By: Anna Wozniak
If you thought the West Unity Cookie Walk this weekend was jumping the gun on Christmas, then you’d be surprised to find that the streets were packed, with participating shops running out of cookies within the first hour!
All cards and cookie boxes were sold out by 11:30 a.m., and many of West Unity’s downtown businesses were packed full of perusing cookie walkers on their way to and from the different participating stores around town.
Although the cookies didn’t make it until the walk officially ended at 1 p.m., everyone that came out had fun exploring everything that the Christmas town has to offer, especially with regards to the winter wonderland preparation seen throughout West Unity.