Celebrating … July birthdays and anniversaries at the West Unity Senior Center this month are, from left,[emember_protected custom_msg=”Full content protected for online subscribers. Purchase a one week subscription from the top menu bar for just $1.99 to read all online content (full access). Longer subscription plans are also available. Subscriptions cover our costs to attend local events; bringing forth Hometown News Coverage to our communities.”] (front), Sue Thompson, Rena Garber, Doris Fairchild, (back) Pegge Sines, Loren Thopmson, Gene Garber, and Ada Stuckey. Mr. and Mrs. Garber are celebrating their fourth anniversary this month while Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are celebrating their Golden 50th anniversary. Pegge Sines and Dream Haven were on site to sponsor the event.[/emember_protected]
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