Presented last Council meeting as a request from WEDCO, West Unity Village Council passed a resolution at their Thursday, November 08, 2012 meeting approving a Community Reinvestment Area Tax Exemption application submitted by Rupp & Roach, Ltd. The exemption is for the addition of 2200 square feet of office space to their building at 600 Oak Street in West Unity.
According to WEDCO’s Diamond Zimmerman at the October 25th meeting of Council, the tax savings to the company would be about $3,200 per year which would add up to about $48,000 over the 15-year life of the exemption. Council granted the request last meeting but passed the resolution to make it official.
The village’s Finance Committee met prior to the Council meeting to look at the insurance policy for the village. Out of that meeting came a recommendation that the village switch to Medical Mutual from Anthem. The committee felt that the Medical Mutual package is better for both the village and the village employees. Council agreed with the recommendation.
Village Administrator Ric Beals brought Council up to speed with the projects he has been working on throughout the village. He said that there has been good progress made at the sewer plant and that there have been no effluent violations in recent weeks.
New village employee Taylor Wheeler started his position with the village and Jim (Eisel) seems pleased with his work. Beals stated that the new computers had been installed in both his office and the police department.
Beals said he has had complaints about sheds on the properties of Coy Jones and Steve Powers. He said that Powers appears to be working on his and that he would speak to Jones about his shortly.
A.J. Door has provided a quote on a more permanent solution to the kitchen door problem at the new Memorial Park shelter house. According to Beals, the door has been kicked in repeatedly and needs to be replaced. Council members also suggested installing cameras to help deter the vandalism that is occurring.
He said that Williams County EMS director Jim Hicks will be sending him information and pricing on a defibrillator for the Senior Center. He has also spoken to Eisel about putting in a yard hydrant at Friendship Park. This hydrant could be metered to account for water loss and could also be locked to prevent the hydrant from being left open.
The village had the use of the county’s Durapatcher and was able to fill all of the potholes that had been marked previously. Finally, Beals informed Council that the village needs to begin looking seriously at replacing the Vactor truck in 2014. He stated that the current truck is on its ‘last leg’ and he believes a nice used one can be found for $100,000 to $150,000.
Police Chief JR Jones reported that a 2013 Charger is on order for the police department. “We’re getting a 2013 but it was locked in at the 2012 bid,” Chief Jones said.
Mayor Peg Bernath read a thank you note from Mr. Bennett at the West Unity Chamber of Commerce. Bennett thanked Council for helping to make West Unity’s Fall Festival a success. He also informed Council that plans are underway for a December 1st visit from Santa at the West Unity Public Library.
Village Solicitor Ryan Thompson informed Council that grant funding has been locked in to take down the Mann property on South Defiance Street. The grant funding comes from Williams County’s share of the Moving Ohio Forward grant which has as one of its purposes removal of derelict properties in the state.
Council moved into executive session to discuss compensation and with no further business the meeting was adjourned following their discussion. Since the fourth Thursday of the month falls on Thanksgiving Day, the next meeting of West Unity Village Council will be December 13, 2012 at 7:30 PM in Council Chambers.
NOVEMBER MEETING … Mayor Peg Bernath reads a thank you note from the West Unity Chamber of Commerce. Shown from left are Village Fiscal Officer Beth Rediger, Mayor Bernath, Council Members Don Leu, Dave Chester, Rich Merillat, Ron Hausch, Dave Short and Kirk Thompson.