Julie Klinger was the guest speaker at the March meeting of the Three Arts Club, held at the home of Kim Grime. Julie told of her passion for rug hooking and brought many of her masterpieces to show. Since 2001 she has been a member of the Northwest Ohio Rughookrafters Guild which was established in 1973. Among many other activities, the guild helps at the Sauder Museum’s rug hooking shows. Pictured is Julie with one of her beautiful rugs.
The meeting was called to order. Fifteen members answered the roll call with a program idea for next year. A thank you was read from the Hilltop Science Fair for our donation. Several students will be attending State Science Fair held at Ohio State University. Marlee Carroll qualified to attend the International Science Fair to be held at Pittsburg PA. A pampered chef fundraiser party will be held April 20 at the Presbyterian Church. A Premier Jewelry party was suggested for the fall fundraiser. The April meeting will be held at the home of Janet Simmons.