MVPO … Christina Deehr presented the plan for Edgerton Safe Routes to School to the Williams County Commissioners, left to right Brian Davis, Lew Hilkert and Terry Rummel, at their February 24, 2022 morning session. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
The Thursday morning Williams County Commissioners regular session on February 24, 2022 began with the approval of the following:
-Transfer resolution, minutes of February 17, 2022 (as there was no meeting on Feb. 21/Presidents’ Day), and the payment of the bills
-Resolution 67 Entering into the Sub-recipient Agreement for the ARPA Act Funding
-Resolution 68 Entering into a IV-E (4E) Contract with Ohio Guidestone for Title IV-E Agencies and Providers for the Provision of Child Placement. Maximum amount payable is $10,000, term January 1-December 31, 2022
-Resolution 69 Entering into a IV-E Contract with ENA for Title IV-E Agencies and Agencies and Providers for the Provision of Child Placement. Maximum amount payable is $10,000, term January 1-December 31, 2022
-Resolution 70 Entering into a IV-D Contract between WC Child Support Enforcement Agency and WC Clerk of Courts for the Williams Services Child Support IV-D Contract with no applicable costs, term January1-December 31, 2022
-Also signed: Milestone request from Motorola for Communications; Letter approving Veteran’s Memorial playground area request; Pledge of Support for Edgerton Safe Routes for Schools Travel plan; Travel expenses for Brian Fritsch to 2022 Ohio Storm Water Conference and for Todd Roth to 2022 PLSO Conference; credit card appropriations for February from Engineer’s office and Sheriff’s office; ODT 2021 County Highway System Mileage Certification; Dog Warden Report for February 14-20, 2022; letter of resignation from Department of Aging; and Confidentiality Agreement from Judge Gallagher for review.
Following a short recess, the commissioners met in suspended session (meaning it was not recorded because it was Kellie Gray’s meeting, not theirs).
The meeting was to continue the Quarterly Investment meeting with Gray and Ryan Nelson of Redtree Investment Group.
Nelson came prepared with some information he had stated he would gather for them when they met earlier this month.
He also presented “an action plan” for 30/60/90 days, spoke of investment strategies and reiterated his hope that he could work with them.
The commissioners asked Gray if that was her desire and she said she feels it could be helpful.
After returning to Regular Session, the commissioners voted to approve Resolution 71 “Entering into an Investment Management Agreement between RedTree Investment Group and Williams County for an investment agreement for one year to advise county investments to earn a greater rate of return.
At a cost not to exceed $15,000 per year and contract is from February 24, 2022 to February 24, 2023.” This allows the commissioners a trial year to see if this is something with which they want to continue.
Also there to speak with the commissioners was Christina Deehr of Maumee Valley Planning Organization, on behalf of the Village of Edgerton.
The commissioners had already signed their approval, but Deehr gave them a rundown of what will be done in the first phase of Edgerton Safe Routes to School Plan.
She showed the commissioners on a printed satellite map of the school grounds, exactly where students are walking and what they want to do to make it safer. The application is capped at $400,000 and the village will pay the overage which is $38,347.
She also shared some non-infrastructure counter measures that will be covered by an additional request for $20,000, including things such as National Walk and Bike Safety Day and a Bike Rodeo put on by the Boys scouts.
Before leaving, Deehr also shared some future plans for crosswalks that need to be painted, a pedestrian arm needs to be installed, some turn lanes painted, and sidewalks that will need to be done.
Before adjourning for the morning, the Commissioners went into Executive Session to consider employment of personnel, with no action taken.
Rebecca can be reached at