COURTHOUSE SQUARE Russ Davies and Ann Spangler came in to discuss details of this years Christkindl Market that takes place at Courthouse Square
By: Anna Wozniak
The Williams County Commissioners held their general session at 10 a.m. on Thursday, August 17, 2023.
Commissioners Lew Hilkert, Bart Westfall, and Terry Rummel were present, as was Clerk Anne Retcher, Russ Davies, and Anne Spangler.
The meeting began with the approval of five resolutions, two right of way work permits for Kunkle and the Defiance / Williams County line, as well as the dog warden report for August 7 – 13, 2023, before the minutes of the August 14, 2023 session were approved as presented, as were the bills.
Resolution 23-246 was a transfer request for the Williams County EMS, Engineer’s Office, Job and Family Services (JFS), and Hillside Country Living.
Resolution 23-247 was a request to transfer the remaining funds from JFS’s SFY 2023 account.
Resolution 23-248 approved advertising for sealed bids on Project 8, which pertains to asphalt paving and marking.
Resolution 23-249 was a renewal of contract from 2017 with CivicPlus for software services.
Resolution 23-250 approved a contract between JFS and Storehouse 4 Hope for financial case management services.
At 10:06 a.m., Russ Davies and Ann Spangler addressed the Commissioners with a report detailing Christkindl Market security details, heating concerns, and how they are wanting to work with the local businesses to bring people into the community.
This year will see the offering of German style waffles, brats, hotdogs, hot cocoa and coffee, which should help alleviate the high demand of attendees, while still giving space for the resident businesses to profit.
Davies shared that they are trying to work with the YMCA to come up with childcare solutions so that parents can enjoy a kid-free evening out on the town but did share that there are kid friendly activities every night.
Davies also shared details around conversations held with local first responders to coordinate covering the event, and, after speaking with Commissioner Rummel, Davies and Spangler promised to look into additional trash receptacles for this year’s market.
The Commissioners shared that they were approving their permit for use of Courthouse Square, and that they can’t wait for this great event that brings tri-state residents in to see all that Bryan has to offer.
The Williams County Commissioners then went into recess at 10:16 a.m. before they held two executive sessions.

Anna can be reached at anna@thevillagereporter.com