The Williams County Grand Jury met on March 21, 2023, indicting 18 individuals. Those indicted included:
-Justine M. Cassidy (Bryan); recklessly failed to appear before the court after having been released in connection with a felony charge.
-Drake X.D. Miller (West Unity); three counts: all unlawful sexual conduct with a minor between the ages of 13 and 16 from November 1, 2022 through December 3, 2022.
-Andrew W. Richmond (Montpelier); receiving stolen property.
-Ashley M. Rodriguez (Napoleon); recklessly failed to appear before the court after having been released in connection with a felony charge.
-Zacharias Acevedo (Wauseon); improper handling of firearms in a motor vehicle.
-Blayne M. Guise (Edgerton); aggravated possession of drugs, methamphetamine.
-Jordan L. McGowan (Bryan); aggravated possession of drugs, methamphetamine.
-Robert A. Bell (Williams County); menacing by stalking, trespassed on the premises of the victim during the offense.
-Brock M. O’Neal (Montpelier); two counts. Count one: operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Count two: improper handling of firearms in a motor vehicle.
-Kayla D. Hammond (Bryan); recklessly failed to appear before the court after having been released in connection with a felony charge.
-Bradon J.M. Cousino (Montpelier); two counts. Count one: failure to comply with police officer order or signal by willfully eluding a police officer conducting a traffic stop. Count two: driving under a suspended license.

-David E. Herman (Bryan); three counts. Count one: aggravated possession of drugs, hydrocodone. Count two: possession of drugs. Count three: possession of drugs, tramadol hydrochloride.
-Nicholas A. Lam (Montpelier); two counts. Count one: assault against Rachelle Fletcher. Count two: disrupting public services, for removing a mobile phone from Fletcher’s possession with the intent to prevent her from contacting emergency communications.
-Kamey M. Kreais (Williams County); violation of protective order.
-Morgan J. Ore (Montpelier); domestic violence.
-Michael C. Rochester (Defiance); two counts. Count one: failure to comply with police officer order or signal by willfully eluding a police officer conducting a traffic stop. Count two: driving under a suspended license.
-Ryan W. Grime (Bryan); two counts: both felonious assault with a deadly weapon.

-Jeffery S. Ames (Bryan); trespass in a habitation.
It should be noted that an indictment is merely an accusation, and that all criminal defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.