Work is continuing on a new mission statement at Wauseon Schools. The district wants to update its existing statement to reflect the needs and hopes for the 21st Century. The current mission statement was written in 1990. Four statements were presented by primary teacher Jessica Schuette, who is assisting Superintendent Larry Brown with the revision, to the three Board of Education members in attendance at the noon meeting April 27 at Wauseon Primary School. The statements touched on civics, life outcomes, global competence and overall excellence.
The district is actually completing a revision process of the entire Continuous Improvement Plan for Wauseon, Brown said. “The last plan was adopted in 1999. This is only one small step in the process which will eventually include new action plans, mission, vision and core beliefs for the organization,” Brown said.
The board members mulled over the statements and worked on a fifth alternative. The options will be sent to the absent board members and more talks are planned.
School Counselor Christine Metzner touched on the upcoming career week at the Primary School , May 8-12. Some highlights include 20 speakers representing different career paths will speak one day. Another will be having the graduating class of 2017 walk through the Primary School to remember where they began and to encourage the current students to strive for the future. This year’s kindergarteners (2016-17)
In other news:
*The board approved the sale of 717 Burr St., and authorized Superintendent Larry Brown to proceed with closing.
*The board approved the termination of an employee for unapproved absences.
*The board approved the following donations:
**$100 from William and Marlo Hanak for the WHS Joe Sevenich “Step on the Starter” Scholarship Fund
**$400 from the Fulton County Cattle Feeders Association to the Wauseon FFA
**$195.27 from the Christ United Methodist Church to the WMS After school program for snacks
**Milk valued at $60 from Arps Dairy to be used by the FFA for the annual FFA Banquet
The board approved the following personnel items:
*The board approved the reassignment of Terry Beck from a WES 4th Grade Teacher to a WES 5th Grade Teacher, effective with the 2017-18 school year
*The board approved the reassignment of Michelle Eberle from a WPS 1st Grade Teacher to a WPS Kindergarten Teacher for the 2017-18 school year with the expectation to return to a WPS 1st grade teacher for the 2018-19 school year
*The board offered a one-year limited certificated teaching contract to Hannah Dymarkowski as a WES 4th grade teacher for the 2017-18 school year at Step 4, Column 1 on the approved certificated salary schedule pending receipt of both a clean BCI/FBI background check. Failure to provide both a clean BCI/FBI background check will result in this offer being withdrawn.
*The board approved Ray Martinez as a Volunteer Assistant Football coach for the 2017-18 school year.
*The board offered one-year limited supplemental contracts for extended time for the following certificated staff: Katie Black Agriculture 60 days, Jessica Gerig Guidance 4 days,
Laura Leininger Work/Family Life 10 days, Christie Metzner Guidance 4 days, Chris Roberts Guidance 8 days, Chris Thomas Agriculture 60 days, Laura Vorwerk Guidance 13 days, Terri Westfall Guidance 13 days.
*The board offered one-year limited athletic supplemental contracts to the following individuals: Joe Allen Cross Country Head coach, Tiffany Anderson 7th Grade Volleyball coach,
Bill Blanchong Volleyball head coach,Kyle Borton Asst. Varsity Football coach and Asst. Varsity Girls Basketball Coach, Shelly Borton JV Girls Basketball coach, Ken Brandon Asst. Varsity Football coach, Katelyn Britenriker 8th Grade Volleyball coach, Tom Burkholder Diving coach,
Chad Burt Boys Basketball head coach, Chuck Carr Head Girls Bowling coach, Sydney Chamberlin 9th Grade Volleyball coach, Travis Cooper Football head coach, Shawn Kauffman Boys Soccer head coach, Stacie Kessler Fall WHS Asst. Cheerleading coach and Winter WHS Asst. Cheerleading coach, Kevin Kreiner Asst. Varsity Wrestling coach, Matt Lane 8th Grade Football coach, Terry Lind 9th Grade Football coach, Jordanne Marks Girls Soccer head coach,
Kody Moden Head Girls Tennis coach and head Boys Bowling coach, Shawn Moore Asst. Varsity Football coach and JH Wrestling coach, Adam Moose 9th Grade Football .5 coach, Ashley Oyer Girls Basketball Head coach, Mike Ritter Wrestling Head coach, Alexa Schaffner 8th Girls Basketball coach, Landon Schaffner 7th Grade Boys Basketball coach, JD Schnitkey 9th Grade Football .5 coach, Brandon Schroeder head Girls Soccer coach and Asst. Varsity Swimming coach, Tony Schuette head Swimming coach, Jordan Smith 7th Grade Football coach and Asst. Varsity Wrestling coac, David Storrer Asst. Varsity Boys Basketball coach, Kyle Storrer JV Boys Basketball coach and head Golf coach, Joe Torres JH Wrestling coach, Tom Vernot Asst. Cross Country coach Michael Webster Asst. Varsity Football coach, Michael Webster 8th Grade Boys Basketball coach, Roger Wilson 7th Grade Football coach, Michelle Winters JH Cross Country coach.
*The board offered of one-year limited non-athletic supplemental contracts to the following individuals: Amanda Aniolowski Asst. Instrumental and Spring Musical Asst., Adam Baird WHS Spanish Club .5 and WHS Quiz Bowl, April Beck WES/WMS Spanish Club .5,
Katie Black FFA, Tom Brady National Honor Society, Betsy Brodman WES/WMS Spanish Club .5, Tom Burkholder Aquatics Director, Don Clark Instrumental Ensembles and Orchestra director, Jamie Clark Marching Band Auxiliary, Mike Colon WHS Art Club, Mark Cook Instrumental Assistant Specialist, Michelle Eberle LPDC – WPS, Amber Fryzel LPDC – WMS, Jessica Gerig WES Student Council, Lindsay Gordon WES/WMS Art Club, Kim Hinton WMS Quiz Bowl, Joy Hutchinson WMS Student Council, Caitlyn Lay WES Choir, Jana Leininger Jr. Class Advisor, Laura Leininger FCCLA and SLO Coordinator, Katie Miller WHS Student Council .5
Dolores Muller Speech Team, Ami Richer LPDC – WHS, Jason Robinson Asst. Speech Team, Mock Trial, Fall Play Director and Spring Musical Director, Carol Rorick District Mentor Coordinator, Sara Rupp WHS Student Council .5, Jenna Storrer Girls Christian Fellowship, Chris Thomas FFA, Jill Welch LPDC – WES, Terri Westfall Jr. Class Advisor.
The also board approved overnight trips as follows: FFA 5-03-2017 – 5-05-2017 and State FFA Convention Columbus; Band 7-22-2017 – 7-27-2017 Band Camp Trine University.
Additionally, the board authorized the Superintendent to enter into a contract between the Wauseon Exempted Village School District and Beilharz Architects Inc. for services pertaining to the design of the new Board of Education offices.
The next Board of Education meeting will be 5:30 p.m. Monday, May 8 at Wauseon Middle School.