BUDGET TALK … Montpelier Village Council discuss various budget issues during their latest meeting. (PHOTO BY JEREMY SCOTT, STAFF)
By: Jeremy Scott
The Montpelier Village Council met on November 9th in regular session. All members were present for the meeting. Council went into Executive Session early in the meeting, and upon returning voted to renew the employee health insurance policy. Director of Finance Nikki Uribes will head the project.
The Council also passed a Then and Now Certificate for DJE in the amount of $8339.80. This was for paying the company for their help with the SCADA project. Although this project was budgeted for 2019, lack of equipment pushed the project back. COVID pushed the project back further. During this time the remaining balance, which should have been added to the 2020 budget was not, necessitating the Then and Now order.
The 2021 appropriations resolution and update on the Fire Department hourly compensation resolution both received their second readings. The Council also suspended and approved a resolution amending appropriations for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020. Appropriations went from $18,767,037 to $18,799,677.
In other village news, a pre-construction meeting will be held on November 23rd regarding the demolition of the 400 block of West Main. Equipment will be brought in and temporary fencing set up after that time. Demolition in scheduled for the last week of November. Following the water main break in front of Miller’s New Market when the Village drained the water tower, the Village is looking to purchase some equipment that will help monitor pressure spikes in the water mains to help alleviate this problem from happening more.
Finally, the dugouts at the Major League baseball diamond have been removed due to age and wear. With help from the Electric Department, Water Department, and Street Department, holes were dug and posts set for the new dugouts. Fences will also be replaced.
Jeremy can be reached at publisher@thevillagereporter.com