STRYKER. The Stryker Village School Board held their August meeting on December 16 at Stryker High School. Board President Jeff Erb called the meeting to order for his final time completing his tenure as Board President, along with Board Vice President Terry Blosser, who also conducted his final board meeting.
The first order of business was receipt of the Treasurer/CFO’S Financial Reports and recommendations. The treasurer reported a balance in the general cash fund of $2,333,773.45 and total expenses of $366,778.21 for the month of July. The treasurer also noted the school received a $2,000.00 donation from the SPSP for Elementary Camp Palmer Field Trip, along with $1,995.16 to the Academic Fund.. A recommendation to approve the purpose and budget statements for the Art Club, Drama Club and Class of 2015 as presented. Motions under the Treasurer’s Report for acceptance were put forward by Sharon VonSeggern and seconded by Ben Wollace. The council unanimously approved the motion.
In the Principals’ Report it was announced that the first day of school would be August 19. Additionally, the following dates were announced: August 23 the Stryker Band will march in the Homecoming Parade, September 4 will be Senior Composite photo day with Jostens, September 8, HS Band performs at Williams County Fair, September 9 will be a Waiver Day for Teacher Training, September 10 will be the BBC Sup./Principal and AD’s Meeting and finally it was announced that fall sports are underway and everyone is encouraged to come out and support the Panthers.
The Superintendent’s personnel report recommended the board approve Robert Davis for the 2014 – 2015 School Year (Transportation Driver) and also recommended the approval of the following supplemental contracts: Tyler Wollace (Varsity Boys Basketball Asst., Scott Goodnight (Boys Varsity Cross Country), Nikki DeGroff (7th Grade Girls Basketball), Chad Powers (Assistant Varsity Track), and Shane Marshall, Larry Freshour, Jami Speiser (Mentors). The board unanimously approved the recommendation, with the exception of the Degroff and Woolace contracts where board members Chris DeGroff and Ben Woolace abstained. The board also approved Tim Moor as a Volunteer basketball Coach and Morgan Uribes as a Classified Bus Substitute. In the Superintendent’s Final recommendation, the board approved the 2014 – 2015 Agreement with the Wood County Juvenile Detention Training and Rehabilitation Center for $64.00 per student per week day assigned as JDC students.
Prior to concluding the board’s business for the month of August, the board presented the offer to go into executive session, but there no items on the agenda for discussion. With a motion and second to adjourn, the board concluded Augusts’ Meeting, The next school board meeting will be held on September 9, 2014 in the High School Art Room.