December 21, 2020 held the Edgerton Village Council meeting for an eventful year, full of the need for flexibility and plenty of decision making which made for long meetings.
Mayor Robert Day led the council along with Solicitor Charles Butler, Fiscal Officer Denise Knecht, Village Administrator Zachary Dohner and Administrative Assistant Amanda Herman in the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer as they began the meeting to wrap up the year.
Also present were Cindy Thiel of The Edgerton Earth and village resident Scott Harley. This meeting went from 7 to 9:50 p.m. with many discussions covering a wide variety of topics.
Council voted to approve:
• Minutes for the December 7, 2020 meeting
• Resignation of Village Administrator Zach Dohner (from minutes: Village Administrator Zach Dohner announced that Friday, December 25th, 2020 was going to be his last day as VA at the Village of Edgerton. He read a letter he had written thanking the Edgerton team and wishing Council and staff much success.
Mayor Day responded that the Village appreciated all that Dohner did during his time at Edgerton and wished him luck on future endeavors.” )
•Then and Now Certificates
• Payment of bills
• Committee assignments by Mayor Robert Day (He would like to revive the Park Board and has added 2 new members. Solicitor Charles suggested appointing CRA committee members in January.)
• Two executive sessions, both with no action taken, one for possible discipline of a public employee and the other for the employment/compensation of a public employee
Reports Given:
• Administrator Update by Zach Dohner:
• SCADA- Individual that has been working on coding making sure lift stations are talking to each other had a radio issue; it was fixed and system is communicating as it should. Staff training will be at end of year or beginning of 2021.
• LAUBACH DR- Poggemeyer has been notified of transition of new administration and will be reaching out to Knecht or Mayor to discuss bid documents.
• SUBSTATION FIBER- AMP has been trying to figure out what fiber communication consists of; may not be able to use internet drop if part of First Energy system as FE has the authority.
• ASSET MANAGEMENT- GIS- “In 2018, it was originally broken down into 2 phases, it’s been a nightmare to keep track of paperwork so a new proposal was sent to Poggemeyer to begin on a fresh new slate with remaining phases. Dohner mentioned requesting a motion from Council to move forward with remaining phases.
Gruver asked if we were still exploring GIS as one of the options we are excluding. Dohner explained the benefits of moving forward with RCAP for GIS because RCAP was capable of providing real time information in a timelier manner than Poggemeyer.
Karnes asked Council’s thoughts on tabling discussions regarding Asset Management phases and GIS services until a new VA is brought in as the VA is key in communication and decisions that need to be made.
Karnes feels a project this size and the amount of money invested on the contract would benefit from someone being present from the beginning instead of setting in their lap. VanAusdale agreed. Dohner added that the contract lays out specific details of each phase. It was agreed on by Council to table this discussion until a new Village Administrator is hired.
• Fiscal Officer Update by Denise Knecht:
• BWC PREMIUM- Knecht received an email requesting payment for BWC premium that had already been paid the previous week. The online account showed a credit for the amount paid. After looking into it and making a phone call it was discovered that a premium dividend refund from BWC had been sent that was based on dividend refund from last year.
A check was received today for $85,704 and the village will also receive another check for $9,622 which is the premium amount that was invoiced and paid prior to the 2019 policy year dividend being sent. On top of the refund, the Village’s premium has been reduced by 1/3 based on our group experience rating.
This money will be applied the same way it was distributed for payment. Council will notice a payment for $9,622 on the Bill’s List and Knecht will be asking for a motion by Council to approve a “Then and Now” purchase order. The invoice date was prior to the date the invoice was received and exceeds $3,000 so Council approval was required.
• Hydro-seeding Miller Park- Knecht asked for discussion on approving a Then and Now purchase order for hydro-seeding 4th field at Miller Park for $1633.33.
Gruver reiterated from a previous email he sent that there is money in the Park fund and he feels okay with covering the bill. His only issue is asking for money after the fact. Wallace spoke on part of the Summer Recreation and informed Council that Summer Rec doesn’t want the Village to pay for it if it’s not agreed upon to do so. Summer Rec can cover it if this body does not want to take care of it.
He doesn’t want anyone to think that they put the cart before the horse and then came to ask for money. Summer Rec will take care of the bill if necessary because their intentions were not meant to be malicious. It was a last minute decision and it will be understood if Council chooses not to cover the remaining balance of the bill from Farrell’s.
– Mayor Day Update: “With the change of administration at the upper levels, there is a possibility of putting focus back on electric vehicles; there is a buy in opportunity for the Village to be a part of if a verbal agreement is given before the end of the year. This is part of Smart Energy Power Alliance (SEPA) through AMP.
SEPA will guide us through the process of integrating charging stations in the Village for a reduced cost of $10,000 compared to the normal participation price of $25,000. Long term advantages include selling more power and contributing to Village businesses while vehicles are charging.
A potential charging area is in front of Clem at State Route 49 and US Highway 6. A verbal commitment has to be made before December 31st.”
Topics Discussed:
• Edgerton Summer Recreation – from minutes of meeting, “Scott Hartley and Councilman Chuck Wallace, both members of the Edgerton Summer Recreation, were given the floor to discuss a couple of things going on at the park. Wallace had a new AED Defibrillator unit with him and presented it to Council.
Chuck pointed out that there have been multiple conversations regarding the purchase of AED units through the Village, but those purchases have been stalled/ put on the back burner because of the cost.
Shawn and Rachel Moreno, who are very active in the Summer Rec program recently secured a donation to the Association of 2 AED units by Michael Kinder & Sons out of Fort Wayne, IN. One will be available at Miller Park, the other at Gerhart Park. Summer Rec will take care of properly storing them.
The hope is that they will never be needed during a practice, but will be available during all games. Hartley added that Summer Rec will be purchasing 2 portable mounds as well. This will allow Edgerton to host tournaments, which results in bringing business to Edgerton.”
• Leslie VanAusdale asked for a Rules Committee Meeting to discuss the organizational chart and job descriptions for the 1st or 2nd week in January.
• VanAusdale has been working on language to have something on record that documents Council members are responsible for Village issued computers; an awareness that future communication will be electronic; an understanding that all information stored on the device is a subject of public record.
• VanAusdale inquired about the BWC refund, stating “if that was based on employees performance and if we are going to commend employees on the great job they’ve done this past year, through COVID especially, but not give them a raise, that just doesn’t seem right.
VanAusdale also stated that she does not feel a motion was needed to absorb the 9% insurance premium as it is already written into the policy handbook that the Village will cover that expense. She would like to know if there is a possibility of opening this topic back up. Knecht explained it could be done at the beginning of the year as long as legislation supports it.
VanAusdale believes council needs to at least entertain the idea. $95,000 is going back into our budget and is based on BWC dividend premium refund and our group experience rating. Mayor Day asked where that money originally came from, and answer was the taxpayers.
Residents are paying taxes and struggling and we can’t do anything for them. Day is not opposed to entertaining that idea but thinks there needs to be appreciation shown across the board. He mentioned stipends are an option.
Chuck Wallace asked how many employee evaluations have been done. Dohner responded there are still at least 4 left to be done. Wallace is not for raises because we did not do our part in completing evaluations. It’s wrong and irresponsible to give everyone a 3% raise just because it’s in the budget. It should be given based on individual performance.
Wallace feels our wages are already at a level that some people work 25 years for. Taxpayers are having to suffer and sacrifice and we are talking about giving raises. Day explained part of the decision process was to let the community know that we are partnering with them to get through these hard times and he feels the employees understood. VanAusdale disagreed.
Muehlfeld commented that it’s hard because we don’t make or sell anything and a raise in this case is based strictly on employee’s effort, or appreciation and feelings instead of profit from a good business year. Leslie reiterated that she just wanted to express her frustrations.”
• Wallace questioned if Council computers need to be covered on their personal insurance policies since they are being taken into their homes. He has had to insure items before on his own personal policy.
Mr Butler stated there is no obligation and he believes it would be a challenge to obtain coverage as they do not own the piece of equipment. Butler added that he hopes everyone has strong passwords on the computers since they are going outside of the office.
Knecht said that there is a clause in the handbook on taking care of Village equipment. Employees take home Village issued cell phones and are not asked to insure them. She will follow up with Andres O’Neil & Lowe.
• Jason Gruver informed Council that Chief Griffin and Sargent Suchocki are currently in the process of updating the policy and procedure handbook for the police department. It has not been updated since 2011. They are working to incorporate the Ohio collaborative that involves situations regarding lethal force and black lives matter.
Jason thinks it makes sense for the rules and/or public safety committee to be included in the process of reviewing and discussing the updates made. There is still some time before Griffin will be ready to present an updated manual and Mayor Day added that Chief Griffin will let him know when it is complete.
• Butler asked if there is an understanding of what is and isn’t allowed on laptops that are issued to Council members. VanAusdale replied that she found many examples that she considered including in the policy update. Examples such as; gambling, pornography, and social media use that are suggested as not being allowed to be viewed on a device issued by an employer.
If members want to use computers for personal use she can look into it further to provide specific language. Knecht read the section of the employee handbook that refers to employee supplies, equipment & telephones, and that it is the responsibility of the employee to maintain equipment and misuse is prohibited.
VanAusdale relayed that if personal use is accessed there are no privacy rights. It was decided among Council that as long as it is realized there is no expectation of privacy, personal use is allowed and as a general statement illegal activity is strictly prohibited.
• Wallace asked if the West alley on Indiana St had been taken care of. There is a 3-4” drop off of the alley that was just completed and if it’s not taken care of then it’s possible a backhoe or snow plow may come through and rip the new pavement up. The same thing is at Elm St and Indiana and needs to be taken care of.
• Wallace asked Dean Thiel if there was any update on Column Burial area at the Cemetery. Dean was not sure because he was not present at the last meeting. Wallace stated there is going to be a 48 Column burial area for cremation burials in the Catholic addition of the cemetery. Thiel said it will be set up where it can be added on to in the future. It’s pricey to start with.
• Mayor Day said Kip Pahl and the street department is going to cut into the asphalt, fill with stone, and lift temporarily and then will completely repair at the Methodist Church Catch Basin in the Spring.
• Muehlfeld asked if there were any developments with the LMI study. Dohner replied that he spoke with Austin at MVPO today and they received a fairly large amount on the 2nd mailing. Dohner and Day were going to reach out to Austin to discuss the next step of going door to door to reach those that have not responded.
• Karnes questioned the status of the habitat house. Day responded that they don’t believe it needs to be surveyed until it is sold. Butler added that there eventually may need to be a survey in the future but a sufficient legal description should be able to be drawn up.
Karnes asked if we settled on a location. Mayor Day said basically where the flags are. Gruver personally feels that it makes sense to be placed next to the residential lot that is there instead of attempting to place some sort of park in between the 2 lots. It is understood that it would be an increased expense due to tearing up the road and moving utilities.
Day stated the difference in estimates if the south lot is used was $20,000 and Gruver understands that may make it a “no deal.” Butler asked if anyone besides himself has background on this situation. He stated the Mayor and Kip Pahl are familiar.
• Tom Karnes asked if any sewer trainings or seminars have been found for the water department employees to prepare for certification. Dohner responded at this time Kip has a few other projects that are on fire, and intends to actively find training after the first of the year but Dohner is unaware of anything at this time.
• Wallace said he would like to see each department supervisor attend meetings on a staggered basis to give updates to Council of projects that are going on. It provides transparency and allows Council to be in the know of what they are working on instead of finding out after the fact. Dean Thiel suggested coming quarterly instead of monthly.
• VanAusdale asked what the process was for filling the Village Administrator position. Mayor Day said the process has already started. Usually the Mayor presents a candidate to Council to discuss and vote.
The position will be posted internally for 5 days and then will go from there. There was discussion if the open position has to be externally posted.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned.