Need help managing your pond? Would you like to improve it, but don’t know how. Well then attend a Pond Clinic on Monday, April 19, and have Steve Fender answer all your questions.
Steve and his sister Cheryl grew up helping their parents run Fender’s Fish Hatchery and they now manage the hatchery.
From his lifetime of experiences, he wrote the book ‘Pond Management – The Common Sense Guide’. From a small pond to a big lake, Steve has the answers to your questions.
He will explain the calendar of pond life, stocking recommendations, fish species, aeration, oxygen, your pond and wildlife, and weed control.
The Pond Clinic is being sponsored by the Williams Soil & Water Conservation District.
It will be held at the Williams SWCD office at 11246 State Route 15, Montpelier, starting at 4:30 p.m. with a hot dog roast or can be attended virtually through Zoom (contact the Williams SWCD for the Zoom link). There is no fee to attend.
Reservations are required for food and room capacity by contacting the Williams SWCD at 419-636-9395 by April 16.