During the Archbold Village Council meeting on Monday, April 19, 2021, Council spent quite a bit of time focused on a wall mural that will be painted on the south side of the Rupp Furniture building.
Cincinnati wall mural artist, Dave Rickerd, who graduated from Patrick Henry so hales from the area, will be doing the mural in June.
Rickerd has done quite a few in the area, most recently in Grand Rapids, Ohio and Napoleon. Mayor Brad Grime said in a phone interview that it is going to be a beautiful addition to that corner.
Speaking of that corner, more changes are coming, with Circle K as the center of attention. During the council meeting, the Planning Commission reported that plans are in progress for the whole corner block of Circle K and the old Verniers to be torn down, most likely in July.
Circle K will be building a brand new larger store, with all new gas pumps put up, pending approval. At this point council is all for it. The process is rolling for Circle K to own the whole building in order for them to begin the demolition in July.
The Circle K project will be very “unique and gorgeous” according to Mayor Brad Grime. Archbold zoning has determined how it should look in order to maintain “the downtown look” which they desire.
It will be an all brick structure with lots of different colored bricks. Grime said that Circle K’s style of building is determined, depending on where it is built. They go with the appearance desired by the town where they are building.
Jennifer Kidder, Parks and Rec Director, shared in her Park Board report, that she is still working on donations for a new Splash Pad and is doing well with that. There is a lot of interest, but the time it is built is not yet determined. It will be just east of the current swimming pool.
They did not get a grant for which they applied, but fundraising and plans are still going forward.
In other business, council approved the April 5, 2021 minutes, the bills and payroll and Financial Reports. They pass Resolution 2021-36 Accepting the Mural Committee Proposal for the mural wall at 203 N. Defiance St., declaring it an emergency so it can get started.
Reports were heard from Investments for March, Police Department, and Street Department Labor and Fleet.
The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 3, 2021 at 5:30 p.m