Star Recorders of Montpelier Chapter 270, Women of the Moose, were honored Thursday, Aug. 19th at the chapter’s monthly meeting.
Senior Regent Karen Chandler opened the meeting and turned the gavel over to Higher Degree Chairman Joyce Schelling, who introduced the Star Recorders present.
Requirements to receive the Star Recorder Degree, conferred annually at the International Conference, were highlighted. Sr. Regent Karen announced that the chapter earned the Award of
Achievement for the past year—congratulations to all WOTM members for supporting the chapter’s membership and projects.
Chr. Joyce related the special projects assigned to the Star Recorders this year—donations for the Mooseheart Boys Athletic Program, WOTM Scholarship & Maintenance Fund, and Williams Co. Humane Society.
The committee will raise funds for the donations by holding a Dessert Bar with ice cream sundaes and an instant lottery ticket basket giveaway on Friday, Aug. 27th at the Moose Family Center.
Star Recorders attending the meeting are shown left to right, Pat Cogan, Rey McKinney, Joyce Schelling and Dee Williams. Other Star Recorders unable to attend are Pat Allgire, Marilyn Bailey, Andres JoHantgen, Barbara Kirkendall, Charlene Travis and Becky Witker.
The chapter meets monthly on the third Thursday at 6:30 p.m. and all WOTM members are encouraged to attend. This year a new statewide Chapter Rally Day is planned Saturday, Oct. 9th at 9:00 am at Lancaster Moose Lodge, hosted by Hilliard Chapter1076.
Registration fee is $10.00 with separate lunch fee. Individual pre-registration forms are available for chapter members to mail by Oct. 1st.