WEST UNITY FALL FEST … Christmas displays like the one above could be found in the stores. (PHOTOS BY LACIE FISH)
By: Lacie Fish
Cozy sweaters, crisp air, apple picking, pumpkin patches, hot cocoa, crunchy leaves…..FALL FESTIVALS!!!!
Going to a fall festival seems to make it final. Fall is finally here. And on Saturday, October 9th, people filled the streets in downtown West Unity for their annual Fall Fest. It was a beautiful day, and everywhere you looked, people were smiling and eating chili.
Tables were placed on the sidewalks for people to share their chili in hopes of being this year’s chili cookoff winner. Donations for the chili cookoff went to Cancer Assistance of Williams County. A petting zoo, games, and activities for kids were at the library.
The Dum-Dum guy was there to take pictures and hand out new Starburst suckers (which are amazing). There was live music by John Reichle and Jenn Shook.
A craft show was held in the American Legion and it was also the grand opening of Holly Jolly Christmas Shops. It was a day that you didn’t want to miss.
The streets had Christmas decorations all over, and every shop you stepped into was a complete Christmas Wonderland.
Each store played Christmas music, hot cocoa, cheesecake, coffee, ornaments, decorations, trees, and anything you could think of dealing with Christmas you can find in these shops. The people who work there are all happy and willing to help you out with anything you need.
If you could not attend the Fall Fest, please try to make it an item on your bucket list to check off this fall. Thank you to West Unity for hosting such a fantastic event, and life needs more days like this.
Lacie can be reached at publisher@thevillagereporter.com
WEST UNITY FALL FEST…..Shoppers are finding all the hidden treasures in the shop.
WEST UNITY FALL FEST….The outside of Kringle Corner where you can find amazing treats and drinks.
WEST UNITY FALL FEST…John Reichle and Jenn Shook put on a fantastic show downtown.