CDE CONTESTS … Members of the District 1 top placing Farm and Agri Business Management team are: Clara Damman, Carson Bennett, Harley Crossgrove and Karsen Pursel. They are all seniors. (PHOTOS PROVIDED)
By: Karter Zachrich
In the past month the Pettisville FFA has competed in various District 1 and state CDE (Career Development Event) contests. CDEs are a motivating force that stimulates occupational interests in and personal development of high school students enrolled in school-based agricultural education programs.
The Farm and Agri Business Management team placed 6th in the state and 1st in District 1. This event is to test the knowledge and skills of the economic principles in farm business management.
Students answer questions dealing with machinery management, farm business management, futures, commodities and taxes.
Pettisville’s top 4 scorers were: Harley Crossgrove, Carson Bennett, Clara Damman and Karsen Pursel. Harley and Carson Bennett, were 1st and 2nd individually in the District.
The Greenhand Quiz was taken by AFNR students and the team place 36th in the state and 4th in the District. Pettisville’s top 4 scorers were: Caden Bishop, Olivia Miller, Noelle Fox and Kelsey Bennett.
The Greenhand Quiz consists of questions dealing with Ohio FFA History, National FFA History, current state officers and items dealing with Agricultural Education.
The Veterinary Science Event consisted of a written test plus equipment, species, parasite and materials identification.
They took a practicum of handling small and large animals, clinical procedures and restraining animals.
Sophie Sterken, Clara Damman, Luke Van Den Berghe and Morgan Blosser competed in Veterinary Science and they placed 2nd. Sophie placed 3rd individually.
In the Equine event students judge a halter class and hay class. They identify feeds and tack then take a written test. Placing fourth individually was Karter Zachrich in District 1.
The Agronomy CDE is designed to assess a student’s knowledge of field and forage crops. Students id specimens of crop and weed plants and seeds.
Also, they identified diseases and insects or their damage. A written test covers the use of soil test analysis, soil surveys, agronomic practices and sprayer calibration problems.
Pettisville placed second with Luke Van Den Berghe placing fourth and Clara Damman sixth.
CDE CONTESTS … L-R Members of the District 1 2nd place Veterinary Science team are: Luke Van Den Berghe, Clara Damman, Sophie Sterken and Morgan Blosser. The contest was hosted by PENTA.