By: Trishelle Smith
The Stryker School Board meeting commenced on March 21, 2022. The Board started off the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. The Board then approved of the previous meetings minutes from February and the current meeting’s agenda.
Next up, the financial statement given by Jill Peters, Treasurer. The Board approved the bills to be paid for the month.
Next, the Board approved the following donations: Woolace Electric Corp – donation of $200.00 for Post Prom, Short Fencing, LLC – donation of $150.00 for Post Prom, Montpelier Eagles – donation of $250.00 for Post Prom, Montpelier Moose Lodge – donation of $200.00 for Post Prom.
The Board then approved to close the Senior Class 2021 fund 200-9021 & transfer $7,280.53 to the Athletic Department fund 300-950A, and $2,000 to the 2022 Senior class fund 200-902.
Then, the Board heard from David Schultz, Principal, for the Class of 2022 there are 26 Graduates on track to graduate. Spring sports are set to start March 28th. March 29th is ACT administration to all Juniors.
April 13th is Mid Terms for the 4th nine-week grading period. Also upcoming on April 15th is no school for Good Friday.
The Board approved the following classified/certified substitutes and volunteers for the 2021-22 school year, contingent upon required BCI/FBI background check and all required documents.
JoAnne Bell was approved for food service and Brittany Beck was approved as a volunteer coach for softball.
The Board then approved the overnight, extended trip for volleyball to attend the Hillsdale Team Camp, July 10-12, 2022. The Board moved to adjourn the meeting.
Trishelle can be reached at