COMMISSIONERS … Commissioners discuss agenda items during the April 26th meeting. (PHOTO BY JACOB KESSLER, STAFF)
By: Jacob Kessler
The Fulton County Commissioners held one meeting this week which took place on Tuesday, April 26th. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.
Commissioners first moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting that took place on April 21st. Payment of the bills were approved as well as the current meeting’s agenda as amended.
The following agenda items were then approved.
-Resolution 2022-292 For the increase & transfer of appropriations to various departments.
-Resolution 2022-293 To approve amended bylaws of the Fulton County Visitor’s Bureau.
-Resolution 2022-294 To rescind the telework policy during the pandemic emergency.
-Resolution 2022-295 To approve oversight for Contract 2022-50 with William Fischio for Family Fun Day Sound System Services.
-Resolution 2022-296 To approve oversight for Contract 2022-51 with Young Star Academy on behalf of JFS- IV-E Services.
-Resolution 2022-297 To approve personnel request on behalf of JFS.
-Resolution 2022-298 To approve personnel request on behalf of JFS.
-Resolution 2022-299 To approve purchase orders and travel requests.
-Resolution 2022-300 To approve and authorize an ad for Ful CR 22/23 asphalt resurfacing.
-Resolution 2022-301 To approve a personnel request for the Senior Center.
-Resolution 2022-302 To approve a personnel request for the Senior Center.
With all items attended to, the Commissioners adjourned the meeting at 9:06 a.m. The Thursday, April 28th meeting for the Fulton County Commissioners was cancelled due to a lack of a quorum.
Jacob can be reached at