COLUMBUS—Columbus Metropolitan Library’s (CML) Director of Capital Planning & Project Management, Wendy Tressler, has been elected president-elect of the American Library Association’s (ALA) Core division.
Her three-year term begins at the conclusion of the 2022 ALA Annual Conference, to be held June 23-28, and ends at the conclusion of the 2025 conference.
She will serve one year each as president-elect, president and immediate past-president. Tressler was active in the former Library Leadership and Management (LLAMA) division of ALA that became part of Core, and is now chairing the 2022 Core Forum Planning Committee.
“I’m thrilled for the opportunity to serve Core members in this role,” said Tressler. “I’ll focus on strengthening our internal processes, creating unique and beneficial program offerings and increasing our membership to ensure success for the future.”
Tressler is a native of West Unity, Ohio, a graduate of Hilltop High School, the University of Toledo and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
She has been with Columbus Metropolitan Library for 21 years.
About Core
Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures is the national association that advances the profession of librarians and information providers in central roles of leadership and management, metadata and collections and technology.
Core members play a central role in every library, shaping the future of the profession by striking a balance between maintenance and innovation, process and progress, collaborating and leading.
Members serve in every level of responsibility for the implementation and maintenance of core services, from the practitioners who keep things running day-to-day to the innovators going in new directions to those making funding decisions, as well as the library school students who will shape the future.