FACILITY UPGRADES … New Athletic Director Michael Babin discusses renovations to the baseball and softball fields, at an estimated cost of $39,500. (PHOTO BY DANIEL COOLEY, STAFF)
By: Daniel Cooley
The North Central School Board meeting of July 14 began with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by roll call. All five board members, Anthony Burnett, Kati Burt, Charles Haynes, Tim Livengood and Shane Martin, were in attendance.
In items by the board, Livengood said “hats off to the maintenance crew for the good job that they are doing.”
Burnett congratulated former superintendent Bill Hanak for the good job he has done for the last five years and is now retiring. This would have been his last meeting.
Also, he gave greeting to new superintendent Michael Bute and to new athletic director Michael Babin, who were both attending their first school board meeting.
Babin then addressed the board about a new project, to renovate the school baseball and softball fields. Among the items to be used will be DuraEdge Classic Infield Mix, ProSlide Topdressing, ProLoc Mound Blocks and DuraPitch Premium Mound Clay. The estimated price for the project will be $39,500.
The work will include trimming and edging each field, a two-inch cap to be placed in each field, installing two inches of DuraEdge Classic, installing bricks and clay to the pitching and home plate areas, to top-dress with ProSlide and then, grooming for play.
Among donations for the project, are $10,000 from Dave Nixon, $10,000 from a matching local donor and $5,000 from the athletic boosters.
There could also be a possibility of other donations and the board could contribute a maximum $15.000.
The board then went into executive session and returned close to an hour later, with no decision yet reached.
In the treasurer’s report, $470,000 in revenue was reported for the year to date. Treasurer Eric Smeltzer also said that cafeteria funding should now be set for many years to come.

The board then approved of three things: the meeting minutes from the June 25 work session, the June 28 regular meeting and the financial statements from June.
In the superintendent’s report, the school’s transaction fee is being paid online; the 2022-23 transportation handbook has been updated and the next regular season meeting will take place on Tuesday, August 16, at 6:30 p.m.
New teachers will report on August 12, an open house will take place for K-12 on August 15, August 16 will be teacher in service day and August 17 is the first day of school.
In recommendations by the superintendent, the board approved the purchase of various purchases for staff, including professional development days, waiver days and teacher workdays.
Next, the board approved staff appreciation gifts and gift cards and retirement gifts and gift cards.
The board then approved the pay rates for substitute teachers ($100 daily); bus driver ($20 per hour); secretary ($14 per hour), aide $12 per hour) and custodian ($12 per hour).

That was followed by the board approving Matthew Buendia as a full-time junior high/high school substitute ($140 per day).
The board then approved of the Eagle Cafe Menu prices for the 2022-23 school year. Students can get a free breakfast or lunch meal, but if they want something different, there are a la carte prices for each item.
Under consent agenda, the board approved of the following: the employment of John Shell (one year elementary intervention specialist); Dena Babin (Junior High/High School long term substitute science instructor, one year )and Kim Hutchinson (preschool long term substitute instructor).
Next, the board approved one-year supplemental contracts for certified employees for Audrey Bowers (high school quiz bowl advisor), Jeffrey Hlutke (athletic, concert and jazz bands), Sam Hutchinson (gaming club) and Becky Renfer (elementary S.O.A.R.).
The board then approved the supplemental contracts for classified employees for Justen Ghent (head junior high football coach), Tim Ghent (assistant jr. high football coach), Jimmy Lawson (girls 7th grade basketball coach) and Steven Williams (8th grade girls basketball coach).
That was followed by the approval of the resignation of Julie Gallaway for the purpose of retirement (elementary education aide).

Next, the board approved of the rescind contracts of Dena Babin (full time jr./high school substitute) and the one-year supplemental contracts for certified employees Becky Renfer (jr. high S.O.A.R.) and Kathy Mallett (high school S.O.A.R., C.A.R.E. coordinator and testing coordinator).
That was followed by the approval of the NwOESC Teacher and Paraprofessional substitute list for the 2022-23 school year and approval of an agreement for services with Midwest Community Health Associates for Athletic Trainer service for 2022-23.
Daniel can be reached at publisher@thevillagereporter.com