COUNTY SWITCHOVER … Williams County Engineer Todd Roth met with Williams County Commissioners on Thursday, September 1, 2022, along with Montpelier Village Manager Jason Rockey and Montpelier Village Solicitor Chris Walker. Discussion was held concerning the switch over of a few county electric customers to Montpelier Electric. In photo from left to right, facing the Commissioners, were in-coming commissioner Bart Westfall, Rockey, Walker and Roth. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
Williams County Commissioners began their Thursday morning, September 1, 2022 with approval of the following:
-Resolution 236 Supplemental Appropriations
-Resolution 237 Accepting and Awarding Bid to ??? in regards to Project #5 Pavement Marking
-Also Signed: Letter for Department of Aging for RFP and monitoring visit; Notice of Award for Project #5-2022; Credit Card Appropriations on behalf of Recorder’s office for September 2022; Letter to Village of Pioneer in regards to permit to work within County of Township Road Right of Way limits (Engineer, Todd Roth, received the application and sent it out for a legal opinion.
On August 25, 2022 the county received the application with an attorney/client privilege email that was also reviewed by the County Prosecutor which informed Engineer that under these terms it would not be considered a Public Utility.
This letter denies the application, but does not negate them re-applying; request from WC Ag Society for regular amount they can request under ORC for Senior Fair and Junior Fair (in the amount of $3200 which is $100 less than previously, as the Jr. Fair is less this year); Dog Warden Report for the week of August 15-21, 2022; a quote from Jay’s Heating and Cooling regarding the Probate Office
-Minutes for August 29, 2022 and payment of bills
Commissioner Lew Hilkert gave update and opinion concerning the possibility of a new steer barn at the fairgrounds. The Commissioners had told Dave Page when he spoke with them representing the Williams County Fair Board, that they would get back to him before fair time, which is coming up very soon.
Hilkert said, “I’m not sure how the rest of you feel, but my opinion is for this year I don’t see where we would be able to do any funding on that.”
We did ask Dave if they were going to approach the fair foundation to see if they had any funding that they could use towards that.”
“I have not heard back from him, but maybe what we could do next year, depending on what they raise for that barn, maybe at that time we can consider a contributing portion of it, but at this time I think that we should pass.”
Rummel and Davis both agreed that with the downturn in the economy it might be better to wait. The commissioners gave the fair board $113,000 this past year for other reasons, but Rummel stated that despite that, he is 100% supportive of giving them the $3200 state match that was requested.
Following a short recess, the commissioners met with Todd Roth, Jason Rockey and Chris Walker concerning the Ruble Sewer System, which is just outside the Village of Montpelier.
Roth explained that a few years ago the county approached Montpelier about the possibility of the village taking over control of this system as it is costing the county in money loss.
The county offered Montpelier $5000 to take it over, as that would cover the cost of a pump if it broke soon after purchase. He requested that the county move ahead on this proposal and get it finalized.
Rockey, Montpelier Village Manager, said that Montpelier Village Council approved a motion on April 22, 2019, to move ahead with this plan when it first came up.
Montpelier Solicitor Chris Walker stated that a bill of sale signed by the county commissioners, transferring the property to the village, per resolution, would be the next step.
At that point the village would accept it by a resolution or ordinance at the next council meeting. It was determined through discussion that this could probably be completed by the end of 2022.
The change-over will result in around a $13 difference for the customers. Rockey pointed out that once they are notified of the change, those customers will need to fill out applications for Village of Montpelier service.
Roth said that once the village gives approval, they will start notification.
A motion was made to go into executive session in regards to personnel, with Auditor Vickie Grimm. There was no action taken and another motion was made to go into an executive session for compensation.
There was no action after that one either and with no further business, the commissioners stood adjourned.
Rebecca can be reached at