APPROVING RECOMMENDATIONS … Led by Stryker School Board President, Jason Leupp, the board members (seen here from left to right) Sharon vonSeggern, Brent Froelich and Leupp as well as Dan Hughes and Emily Clemens (not in picture), accepted the recommendations made by Superintendent Nate Johnson at the September 13, 2022 meeting. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
Stryker Schools Dean of Students, Beth Morr, was happy to announce at the 4:30 p.m., September 13, 2022 School Board meeting that the new playground equipment had arrived the day before and was installed immediately.
She shared that the students are thrilled with it. Superintendent Nate Johnson announced that the new gym flag had also arrived and has been installed, changing the 2 ½ minutes it took the old one to be pulled up to 15 seconds with the new one.
They are still waiting for the new bus to arrive, but were informed it will be soon.
In regular business, the board approved the agenda, the minutes of the August 15, 2022 meeting and the Treasurer’s financial reports and recommendations which included General fund cash balance of 9,391,200.95; Total Revenue of $1,280,098.37; Total expenses $569,752.30 and Permanent appropriations for Fiscal Year 23.
Morr also informed the board that on September 1st, the Rotary gave dictionaries to all the third graders and they were very happy about it. The order due date for Otis Spunkmeyer Fundraiser was September 7th and they were over $20,000 in sales, with $2000 more than last year.
School wide pictures were scheduled for September 16th with retakes scheduled for October 14th. Right to Read week will be held the week of October 10-14 this year, ending with Family Fun Night on the 14.
October 14 is also the end of the first nine weeks. There will be no school on October 17 for students as the teachers will have a Professional Development Day.
Board member Emily Clemens congratulated Mrs. Morr on a great Movie Night, saying it was a lot of fun and a large number of people were there.
Mrs. Morr agree that it was great and said there were over 100 people present for their first one and they hope to do it again sometime.
Dave Schultz, Stryker Principal, reported that midterms were to be held on September 14. Constitution Day is September 17 but as that is on a weekend, the school will mark it on September 15 by having everyone wear red, white and blue to school.

The day will also be recognized by Mrs. Taylor with student-led projects. Jostens will be taking the school pictures this year and Schultz said it will be different as all ordering is done online.
He wished all the fall sports teams good luck in the upcoming tournaments and mentioned that there would be a pep rally on Friday, September 16 as there was a football game scheduled that night.
Superintendent Johnson’s Personnel Recommendations, which were all approved, included:
-Approve the following 2022 Athletic Event Workers – Joe Greiser, Dustin Blevins, Lydia Nofziger, Emily Stewart, Ron Cready, Noah Huffman, David Rethmel, John Zimmann, Adam Froelich, Kristi Miehls, Amos Sloan and Paul Ferrell.
-Approve Employment adjustment for Renee Myers, reassigning her as tutor
-Approve the resignation of Kathleen King who is a teacher, at the end of the 22-23 school year. He expressed his gratitude for her service to Stryker Schools.

Other recommendations that were approved were:
-The 22-23 Stryker Local School District’s Middle School, grade seven waiver from the Ohio Department of Education requirements to implement a Career-Technical Expansion (CTE) Program for students enrolled in grade seven specifically. Johnson explained that they do this every fall.
-The 22-23 Agreement with the Wood County ESC for Wood County Juvenile Detention, Training and Rehabilitation Center, for assigned JDC and JRC students
-The presented Stryker Local School District Graduation Seals and requirements for graduation, as required under the new requirements from the state for graduating seniors.
Mr. Schultz explained that there are a few new rules as the students work for four years to earn certain seals on their diploma, but the Stryker students are all on track to graduate.
The next board meeting is scheduled for October 17, 2022 at 5:30 p.m. in the high school meeting room. With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:44.

Rebecca can be reached at