ACCEPTING LAND DONATION … Bryan City Council members Jim Kozumplik, Richard Hupe, Judy Yahraus, John Betts and Mary Leatherman accepted a land donation of over 3,000 acres as part of their November 7 meeting. (PHOTO BY DANIEL COOLEY, STAFF)
By: Daniel Cooley
The Bryan City Council meeting of November 7 began with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by roll call.
All five council members, Mary Leatherman, John Betts, Judy Yahraus, Richard Hupe and Jim Kozumplik were in attendance.
In the first order of business, council approved the previous meeting minutes from October 17
Next, police chief Greg Ruskey announced that the vacant captain position has been filled by Jamie Mendez.
That was followed by council approving of an ordinance that authorizes Mayor Carrie Schlade to put forth, according to the agenda, “a government service agreement with FLOCK Safety for audio, image and date recording for automatic license plate detection.”
Council then approved of an ordinance that allows the Bryan Municipal Clerk of Courts to enter into an agreement with the Ohio Attorney General’s office.
The Bryan Municipal Court has been pursuing individuals who have been delinquent in paying their court bills.
This will allow the court to collect those delinquent court fees, court costs, restitution, and Attorney General collection fees.
Next, council approved of a resolution to accept a donation of land from the Bard-Steel Family Foundation. The undeveloped land on Center Street involves 3,630 acres of land.
In council comments, Leatherman thanked everyone involved with helping with Trick or Treat and making it a successful and enjoyable time.
Mayor Schlade stated that offices will be closed on Friday, November 11 in honor of Veterans Day.
She also stated that she talked with Municipal director Nate Gardner, and he said that the water tower is on its last Dum Dum illustration that has to be painted.
As a result, the water tower painting should be completed as scheduled, by the end of November.
Betts commented that he has heard a lot of good things about the painting of the water tower and its aesthetic value.
Yahraus gave congratulations to the new police captain. She also thanked the veterans for all they have done to preserve our country.
Hupe thanked the Bard-Steel Foundation for their donation and congratulated the new police captain.
Kozumplik thanked Bard-Steel for the donation and stated that “Bryan is better for it.”
Council then voted to adjourn the meeting.
Dan can be reached at