By: Rebecca Miller
North Central School Board (Pioneer) began evening of November 15, 2022 with a work session at 5:30 p.m. led by Superintendent Michael Bute.
The work session adjourned at 6:22 giving members a short break before the regular board meeting began at 6:30 in the auditeria.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call with those present being Shane Martin, Tim Livengood, Kati Burt, Chuck Haynes and President Anthony Burnett, the members were given time to share any thoughts.
Burt commented that the Veterans Day Program was very nice and that this event is something the school and community look forward to every year.
She also stated that she loves seeing everything the kids are doing on a daily basis in school.
Burnett also commented on the successful program and thanked Mr. Morr, Ms. Gillaspy, Mr. Hlutke and the staff for their work with it.
He also thanked the sixth grade for the thank yous they did, and mentioned that the board that attended Capital Conference sat in some good learning sessions and brought some great things back to the district from it.
In Eric Smeltzer’s treasurer’s report, the board approved minutes from October 20, 2022 regular meeting; financial statements and investments from October; acceptance of a donation of $7000 from the North Central Athletic Boosters to the NC Athletic Department; and appropriation additions.
Superintendent Michael Bute covered:
- School calendar options for 2023-24
- Discussion of annual presentation of food and nutritional standards
- NW Ohio Propane lease
- Fall Extra Duty postings for 23-24 school year
- Next work session will be held on December 20, 2022 at 4:30 in the Eagle Room
- Next regular meeting will follow at 5:30 in the Auditeria
Mr. Andy Morr, Elementary Principal, reported that it has been very busy as they approach the Thanksgiving break.
There have been two Parent/Teacher conference days over the past weeks and it was nice to see the parents in the building to discuss the education progress of their children.
Awards assemblies for first through sixth grades were held in late October to recognize the outstanding students for the first nine weeks of the school year.
Third grade state reading test was held in early November. Approximately fifteen staff members participated in a book study, led by Mrs. Deetz, called Shifting the Balance.
It was a six-week study that focused on reading, phonics, and delivery of instruction ideas to help improve the overall reading abilities of students.
A puppet show was scheduled for November 22 for the preschool through third graders.
He mentioned the sixth grade thank you note, also, saying they were written to thank bus drivers, food service, the board and Mr. Morr for the letting them go on field trips.
He explained that this is an expectation of the sixth-grade teachers to teach the importance of saying thank you to others.
SOAR (Students, Offering, Acceptance, Respect) lessons are ongoing for the month of November.
High School students are invited to the elementary to share lessons about making good choices, kindness, and a host of other good character choices.
He thanked the SOAR students and the guidance department for all their support and efforts. He ended by saying that November 11 was another great Veteran’s Day program.
“The students were amazing and it was another well attended program by the community and veterans. Ms. Gillaspy puts in a great deal of time into the program and it shows. It takes a village to make this program happen, from our staff, students and community.”
He thanked Mayor Ed Kidston for buying the t-shirts that make the American Flag during the show.
High School Principal Mr. Greg Puthoff reported that Jaylin Crafts was chosen as Student of the Month at Four County Career Center, nominated by her career and technical instructorMrs. Rohrs and chosen from all nominations by her career and technical supervisor Mrs. Rupp.
He explained that the Students of the Month at Four County are chosen for their scholarship, work, social and mental attitudes as well as extra participation in school and community activities, classroom achievements and career and technical club activities.
The JH first quarter awards banquet was held on October 28 with 75% of 7th graders and 85% of 8th graders receiving zero detentions. 55% of the 7th and 56% of the 8th graders made honor roll. High School first quarter honor roll numbers were 65% of 12th grade, 71% of 11th, 43% of 10th, 69% of 9th with a total for high school being 64% or 109 students out of 169.
He mentioned that the fall sport season is complete, that he was impressed by the never give up attitude of all of the student athletes and that he is looking forward to the winter sports season.
Parent teacher conferences went well with a lot of JH parents in attendance.
Special Education Director Mr. Saneholt reported that the staff is working hard on the students’ behalf and they are already preparing for 2023.
“One of the larger educational initiatives that the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) has launched in the last ten years is happening in response to the Dyslexia Law/House Bill 436.
To help districts with additional dyslexia related training, ODE recently released training modules for educators.
Over the next 18 months, NC K-3 teachers will use these to work toward their eighteen hours of Professional Development (PD) as mandated.”
He added that the administrative team is developing a district specific plan to provide additional training for specific elementary teachers.
He also shared that the Special Ed Department has been busy working on ETR (Evaluation Team Reports) and IEP (Individualized Education Plans) as they will have annual review meetings between now and Christmas Break.
In working with Physical Therapist Mrs. Lindsey McCann and the treasurer’s office, they are in in the process of ordering new student specific equipment for the students to utilize for their needs in the classroom.
He thanked Mr. Bute, Mr. Smeltzer and Mrs. Maneval for their assistance in purchasing this equipment and for being supportive of the student’s specific needs.
Agenda items approved included:
- Motion to change the time of the Tuesday, December 20, 2022 board work session to 4:30 and regular meeting to 5:30
- Employment of Chris Fidler as substitute van driver
- Extended service contract for the 22-23 school year for Macie Wilson, Ed Aide
- Resignation of Stacey Turner, cafeteria staff, effective October 25, 2022
The board entered into an executive session at 7:09 p.m. for the discussion of personnel with Mr. Moreland invited to attend.
Coming out of executive session at 8:10 with no action taken, the meeting was adjourned.
Rebecca may be reached at