SWORN IN … Mayor Robert Day is shown swearing in officer Fabian Aguilar to the Edgerton Police Department. Aguilar had previously been employed by Edgerton but left after an accident. Many of the Edgerton police officers came in support of their fellow officer. (PHOTO BY LINDSAY PHILLIPS, STAFF)
By: Lindsay Phillips
Edgerton Village Council began their meeting on Tuesday, November 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Office.
Following a roll call of all members present, minutes from the previous meeting on November 1 were approved.
Sean Rupp presented the council with information regarding the Ohio Community Reinvestment Area, which is a program that allows local governments to offer tax abatements to incentivize new construction, expansion and rehabilitation in areas where there is a demonstrated need for reinvestment.
Rupp explained to council the benefits of the program and how it would bring significant improvements to Edgerton.
Following the presentation from Rupp, a motion was made to approve the list of bills.
Edgerton Police Chief Gary Plotts gave his report asking council to approve three motions.
Sergeant Justin Coffman’s resignation was accepted by council as well as the termination of officer Dave Richmond.
Council then approved Fabian Aguilar as the newest member of Edgerton’s Police Department.
As a previous member if the force, the meeting room was filled with Edgerton police officers in support of their fellow officer.
Minutes from the Rules Committee Meeting on November 7 were accepted along with the Finance Committee meeting minutes on November 15.
The following resolutions, motions and ordinances were approved by council:
- Resolution 2022-026, a resolution approving the assumption of an interest of the City of Hamilton, Ohio in the Fremont Power Sales Contract and other matters.
- Ordinance 1112, an ordinance establishing the salaries and wages for the employees of the Village of Edgerton, Ohio.
- Ordinance 1113, an ordinance establishing the permanent appropriations for the year 2023.
- Motion to approve fire contract with Center Township.
- Motion to approve holiday, council meeting and payroll schedules for 2023.
- Motion to hire park & street maintenance employee Grant Mcmaken.
During comments from council, Chuck Wallace announced, “If anyone is willing to help set up Christmas decorations, contact me or Bob.”
Council member, Leslie VanAusdale made a motion to enter in an executive session at 8:13 p.m. for the purpose of appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion or compensation of public employee.
Following the executive session, the meeting was adjourned.
Lindsay can be reached at lindsay@thevillagereporter.com