COUNCIL … Delta Village Council members and Mayor Wilton discuss matters on the current meeting’s agenda. (PHOTO BY JACOB KESSLER, STAFF)
By: Jacob Kessler
The Delta Village Council held their meeting on Monday, February 20th. The meeting began at 5:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council first moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting held on February 6th.
No public present brought any issues before council and no correspondence was received that needed addressed.
The opportunity was then given for the village administrator to give his report. Council was informed that they have his written report and that there is nothing additional to add.
The finance director then asked for the approval of invoices, which was granted, before also informing council of a shelter house request.
The request is to allow Natures Nursery, which is a non-profit, to use the shelter house at no cost on June 25th.
It was stated that the nursery exhibits wild animals and birds and also takes in injured animals and birds for rehabilitation.
The request to allow Natures Nursery to use the shelter house on June 25th at no cost was approved by council.
The following legislative items were then approved. The third reading of Resolution 23-02 establishing the Village of Delta Park Board, its membership structure and operating guidelines.
The third reading of Resolution 23-03 authorizing the village administrator to advertise, accept bids and execute contracts for the resurfacing of Hawthorn Drive and portions of Taylor Street.
The first reading of Resolution 23-05 declaring it necessary to replace an existing tax levy for recreational purposes pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Sections 5705.19(H) and 5705.25 and requesting the auditor to certify the amount of revenue to be generated by the proposed levy replacement.
With no additional items to discuss, council moved to enter into executive session at 5:40 p.m. to discuss personnel matters.
Following executive session council moved to adjourn the meeting.
Jacob can be reached at