MEMORIAL BUILD A $2500 grant from the Bryan Area Foundation BAF was given to the Williams County Habitat for Humanity for their 2023 Joe Pilarski Memorial Build in Bryan The monies were used to purchase the homes flooring before the new owner moved in earlier this month Since 1991 Williams County Habitat for Humanity has built 36 residences in Bryan Montpelier Edgerton Edon Pioneer West Unity and Stryker and none of this would have been possible without the generosity of vendors volunteers and donations Standing on the homes porch accepting the check are left to right are Williams County Habitat for Humanity Board Member Duane Knisely Williams County Habitat for Humanity Board President Steve Collins Mark It Done Contractor Mark Vetter Williams County Habitat for Humanity Board Member Lisa Wert Bryan Area Foundation PresidentCEO Amy Miller Williams County Habitat for Humanity Board Members Ross Widney and Roz Wendorf and Habitat for Humanity Executive Director Mary Ann Peters