The Pioneer Village Council met on June 18, 2024 at 7 p.m. Present were councilors Trever West, Will Cable, Randy Cochran, Dean Frisbee, Joseph Nikloy, and Ben Fiser alongside Fiscal Officer Gina Gruber, Pioneer Mayor Edward Kidston, Village Solicitor Tom Thompson, and Village Administrator Anthony Burnett.
After the pledge of allegiance, Mayor Kidston called the meeting to order and conducted roll call. They then approved the minutes from their May 21, 2024 meeting as presented.
The same was then done with May’s financial report and the bills, as well as a $1,428.35 Hometown HDWR payment.
Police Chief Livengood then began his report and shared that veteran and Officer Randy Mills has officially been promoted to sergeant.
Fire Chief Swank was proud to share that Keegan Hickman has been bumped up from the explorer program to a volunteer firefighter.
Discussion finalizing details for Kaleb’s Ride and the events happening at Bartlett’s was held before Administrator Anthony Burnett reported that the final change order for the Clark Street pump station has been made, and Fiscal Officer Gina Gruber presented the 2025 tax amounts and rates.
Five ordinances and one resolution were then passed after their first reading and a suspension of the rules.
Ordinance 17-2024 approved appropriations for 2024; Ordinance 18-2024 replaced ordinance 16-2024 and accepted a bid from Bryan Excavating; Ordinance 19-2024 authorized a lease agreement for 36 acres of farmland; and Ordinances 20-2024 and 21-2024 authorized the sale of village property; Resolution 109-2024 approved the tax amounts and rates as presented by Gruber and approved by the Budget Committee.
The Pioneer Village Council meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Pioneer Community Center.