FUNDRAISER DISCUSSED … Mayor Schlade discusses the Jordan Wrestling Program with the city council members.
By: India Kenner
The Bryan City Council met on July 15th, 2024 with all members present Mary Leatherman from Ward 1, Richard Hupe from Ward 2, John Betts from Ward 3, Stephen Alspaugh from Ward 4, Jim Kozumplik At Large. Mayor Carrie Schlade, Clerk/Treasurer John Lehner, Police Chief Greg Ruskey, Director of Utilities Derek Schultz, City employees from various departments, and a few members from the community.
The meeting was called to order by Mary Leatherman at 5:30 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The Council approved the minutes from the June 17th, 2024 meeting and the June 26th,2024 Joint Special meeting.
Next on the agenda was a hearing of public concerns. Two community members approached the podium with noise ordinance concerns and questions.
Clerk/Treasurer John Lehner gave his financial reports and bank statements and an overview of paperwork the council had previously received. He advised them to contact him with further questions or concerns regarding those reports.
Leatherman motioned John Lehner to read the next item on the agenda which is an Ordinance 25-2024 providing the annual appropriations for the City of Bryan for the fiscal year ending December 31st, 2024, and declaring an emergency.
This ordinance authorizes the Bryan Board of Public Affairs to enter into an agreement with All Service Contracting Corp for filter rehabilitation of the water treatment plant waiving the bidding process and declaring an emergency.
Derek Schultz approached the podium to give the council some background and operational information stating that the water treatment plant has two filters each filter contains three cells.
These are called horizontal high-pressure filters; he mentioned the rather large size of these filters which are sixty-one feet long and ten feet in diameter they are filled with sand and gravel these have a common underdrain that pulls the sand and gravel up the water filters through the sand and gravel and goes into the underdrain and out to the distribution system.
The filters are original to the plant from 1973. The water treatment staff noticed during an inspection that due to a higher level of iron levels, the floor of the underdrain has sustained some damage.
This damage causes the filters not to function or backwash properly. A similar issue was addressed and repaired in 2020 and 2022.
Schultz requested that the council enter into an agreement/contract with All Service Corp to waive the bidding process for a project to repair two cells quoted to cost $115,618.
John Betts commented that this is a time-sensitive and imminent matter hence the reason to waive the bidding process which he expressed should be addressed to the public so the motive of the approval to waive the bidding process is clear. The council moved to approve with all members approving of the ordinance.
Leatherman asked Lehner to read the next item on the agenda. Resolution 29-2024. This resolution is to approve the Community Reinvestment Area Tax Exemption application submitted by Spangler Candy Company. All council members moved to approve the resolution.

Leatherman stated next on the agenda is a liquor permit. Mayor Schlade said they were given notice by Columbus of a change of enterprises for Frankie’s. The permit was transferred from previous owners to the current owners.
Schlade respectfully requested that the council waive the hearing for the liquor permit. The council approved waiving the hearing.
Next on the agenda is a building permit for Spangler Candy Company Sugar stack storage and planning and zoning. The construction will be done by Thiel Construction and will cost roughly 1.5 million dollars. The building permit was unanimously approved by all council members.
Leatherman asked if anyone else had anything to add before the meeting went into executive session for the compensation of a public employee.
Mayor Schlade mentioned that she received a request from Alex Lane who raises funds by designing and selling T-shirts for Bryan’s wrestling program.
Alex and his father Mike Lane are fundraising to bring The Jordan Wrestling Camp to Bryan for area wrestlers to attend at low to no cost.

Alex requested that the mayor spread the word about the t-shirt fundraiser and that more information about the wrestling program and fundraising could be found via Mike Lane’s social media platform.
Mayor Schlade reminded everyone that Saturday will be full of events in The Fountain City. The Ali Herman Memorial Run/Walk, Dums-Dums 100th Birthday Party, The Newsies at the Bryan Arts and Recreation Center and BHS Alumni community concert at the Amphitheater.
Leatherman asked for additional comments from the room. No further comments so Leatherman motioned to go into executive session for compensation of a public employee. The next Bryan City Council meeting will be August 5th at 5:30 pm.